plugin status

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plugin status

Dave Stevenson-3
I'm wondering what's the status of the VW web browser plugin. The PluginDevGuide.pdf states:

The VisualWorks 7.3 release provides only the ActiveX

Control version of the plugin. A future release will also include a

version of the plugin which implements the new cross-browser NPAPI

and will run in newer versions of NPAPI enabled browsers such as

Netscape, Mozilla, Opera and Firefox.


Does the presence of this old note from 7.3 mean the plugin is stagnant? We have interest in deploying apps both as a stand alone client and as a web app. It seems that the plugin would mean less work, since we wouldn't have to maintain a standard version as well as a Seaside version. But I'd like to pass along to mgmt what the feasible options are, and I'm woefully ignorant about all things ActiveX.


In particular, our enterprise deploys a customized Internet Exploder, version 7, and I'm unsure whether that would affect plugin functionality.

Dave Stevenson
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Re: plugin status

Alan Knight-2
Yes, I think "stagnant" would be a reasonable description. In the development of the newer plugin version we ran into a lot of difficulties and it became apparent that plugins were not a well-supported mechanism in browsers (e.g. we ran into platform bugs that the browser vendors acknowledged but essentially were not going to fix) and that the preferred mode of development was moving strongly towards Javascript. So we suspended work on the newer plugin in favour of work on things like Seaside and WebVelocity. There is a release note to taht effect in 7.7 - "Plugin Obsolesced".

I would not expect that a customized version of the browser would affect functionality, though obviously it would depend on the nature of the customizations.

At 11:36 AM 2010-10-14, Dave Stevenson wrote:
I'm wondering what's the status of the VW web browser plugin. The PluginDevGuide.pdf states:

The VisualWorks 7.3 release provides only the ActiveX

Control version of the plugin. A future release will also include a

version of the plugin which implements the new cross-browser NPAPI

and will run in newer versions of NPAPI enabled browsers such as

Netscape, Mozilla, Opera and Firefox.


Does the presence of this old note from 7.3 mean the plugin is stagnant? We have interest in deploying apps both as a stand alone client and as a web app. It seems that the plugin would mean less work, since we wouldn't have to maintain a standard version as well as a Seaside version. But I'd like to pass along to mgmt what the feasible options are, and I'm woefully ignorant about all things ActiveX.


In particular, our enterprise deploys a customized Internet Exploder, version 7, and I'm unsure whether that would affect plugin functionality.

Dave Stevenson
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Alan Knight [|], Engineering Manager, Cincom Smalltalk

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Re: plugin status

Niall Ross
In reply to this post by Dave Stevenson-3
Dear Dave,

>In particular, our enterprise deploys a customized Internet Exploder, version 7,
Please make sure this Internet Exploder does not fall into the wrong
hands.  I would not wish any cyber-terrorists to get hold of it.

          Yours with a smile :-)
             Niall spots-typos-when-not-making-them-himself Ross

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