preferred way to invoke debugger

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preferred way to invoke debugger

Ben Coman
What is the replacement for...?
    [ Smalltalk tools debugger
          openContext: self
          label:'Code simulation error'
          contents: nil].

In adding support to simulate new OwnedLock primitives, I see this is sent from
but this is no longer in the image.  I can update it as I go.

cheers -ben

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Re: preferred way to invoke debugger

Denis Kudriashov

Now you should first create DebugSession:

debugSession := Processor activeProcess newDebugSessionNamed: 'Code simulation error' startedAt: self.
Smalltalk tools debugger openOn: debugSession withFullView: true.

2016-02-21 4:34 GMT+01:00 Ben Coman <[hidden email]>:
What is the replacement for...?
    [ Smalltalk tools debugger
          openContext: self
          label:'Code simulation error'
          contents: nil].

In adding support to simulate new OwnedLock primitives, I see this is sent from
but this is no longer in the image.  I can update it as I go.

cheers -ben