Hi Ben,
Thanks a lot for testing and reporting such errors. Grafoscopio is now
being migrated to the last Pharo / Moose stable versions and will be
using Johan's Spec/GT-Tools bridge. I will try to improve the code in
other regards.
You can see the new interface (which is in GrafoscopioNotebook class) by
executing 'OffshoreLeaksDB openIntroNotebook ' from your update
Grafoscopio installation. To update it run:
Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Offray' project: 'Grafoscopio';
package: 'Grafoscopio';
self updateUI.
I'll be finishing the Pharo MOOC before July 16 and after that I will be
focused on Grafoscopio, but don't hesitate to report any issue you have.
I will reply slowly meanwhile, but surely.
Thanks again,
On 03/07/16 10:47, Ben Coman wrote:
> Hi Offray,
> After loading Grafiscopio from the Catalog in a fresh Pharo-50760
> image, selecting Launch>New notebook...
> ==> MNU GrafoscopioGUI class>>open
> Finder shows #open is only understood by GrafoscopioBrowser
> but GrafoscopioBrowser open
> ==> MNU: receiver of "/" is nil
> in #openDefault at...
> workingFile := draftsLocation / 'draft.ston'.
> where draftsLocation is nil,
> and searching all references show no method sets that variable.
> In the comments is...
> GrafoscopioBrowser configureSettings
> but that ==> MNU.
> Trying a rough guess to force...
> draftsLocation := '/home/ben/grafosocpio' asFileRefence
> lets the GrafoscopioBrowser open.
> cheers -ben