we upgraded our postgres server from version 8.4 to 9.1.1 and now we have problems selecting packages versions. If I select a package version in the Published Items window I get the error message "The image its disconnected from the database, and the version information is obsolete. The window will now close." After clicking OK the following exception below occurs. Known problem? What can we do? Johannes Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #asInteger Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError(Glorp.GlorpError)>>signal Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor>>handleError:for: optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd BlockClosure>>cull: MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>performHandler: MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagate MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>raiseSignal UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextEncodedQuadFrom: Base64EncodingReadStream>>readNextOctetArray Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextOctetArray Base64EncodingReadStream>>makeNextOctetArrayCurrent Base64EncodingReadStream>>octetArray Base64EncodingReadStream>>peek Base64EncodingReadStream>>atEnd Base64EncodingReadStream>>upToEnd PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>byteaFrom:for: optimized [] in PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>buildTranslationsFromPostgres PostgreSQLEXDISession>>valueFrom:ofType: PostgreSQLEXDISession>>getFieldExternal: PostgreSQLEXDISession(ExternalDatabaseSession)>>nextRowExternal ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>getNextRow ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>atEnd Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor(Glorp.DatabaseAccessor)>>isCursorAtEnd: optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd BlockClosure>>on:do: Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>upToEnd Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.Query)>>resultCollectionFor: Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>readFromDatabaseWithParameters: Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>executeWithParameters:in: optimized [] in Glorp.Proxy>>getValue BlockClosure>>ensure: Glorp.Proxy>>getValue Glorp.Proxy(Glorp.AbstractProxy)>>doesNotUnderstand: optimized [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated OrderedCollection>>do: Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated DependencyTransformer>>update:with:from: DependentsCollection>>update:with:from: ValueHolder(Object)>>changed:with: ValueHolder(Object)>>changed: ValueHolder(ValueModel)>>value: MultiSelectionSequenceView>>useSingleSelectionIndex: EmulatedSequenceController>>toggleAt:withEvent: EmulatedSequenceController>>toggleTargetWithEvent: EmulatedSequenceController>>selectUpAt:withEvent: EmulatedSequenceTracker>>finishSelectionForEvent: EmulatedSequenceTracker>>redButtonReleasedEvent: RedButtonReleasedEvent>>dispatchTo: EmulatedSequenceTracker(SelectionTracker)>>handleEvent: EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: [] in EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: BlockClosure>>on:do: EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatch RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: BlockClosure>>on:do: WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: WindowManager>>processNextEvent optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess BlockClosure>>on:do: optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError(Glorp.GlorpError)>>signal Receiver: a Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError Instance Variables: messageText = 'Message not understood: #asInteger' originator = a Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError initialContext = Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError(Glorp.GlorpError)>>signal firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = nil parameter = nil proceedBlock = nil isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError(Glorp.GlorpError)>>signal command = a Glorp.QuerySelectCommand(a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing) databaseError = a MessageNotUnderstood accessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor>>handleError:for: Receiver: a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor Instance Variables: connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection currentLogin = a Login(a Glorp.PostgreSQLPlatform, 'PostgreSQLEXDIConnection', 'brauer', 'medusa.nordakademie.intern:5432_westpol', '') logging = false logger = nil logOnly = false reusePreparedStatements = true deniedCommands = nil mutex = a Semaphore[0] dependents = nil driverSession = a PostgreSQLEXDISession preparedStatements = a Glorp.CacheManager Arguments: exception = a MessageNotUnderstood command = a Glorp.QuerySelectCommand(a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing) Temporaries: errorClass = Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError error = a Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError Context PC = 28 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: ex = a MessageNotUnderstood Temporaries: .self = a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>cull: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd outerContext = nil copiedValues = a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Arguments: anObject = a MessageNotUnderstood Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>performHandler: Receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood Instance Variables: messageText = BlockClosure [] in Object>>doesNotUnderstand: originator = nil initialContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseSignal isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: reachedDefaultHandler = false Arguments: aContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: Temporaries: result = nil oldHandler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 39 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: Receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood Instance Variables: messageText = BlockClosure [] in Object>>doesNotUnderstand: originator = nil initialContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseSignal isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: reachedDefaultHandler = false Arguments: aContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Temporaries: handler = BlockClosure>>on:do: Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: Receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood Instance Variables: messageText = BlockClosure [] in Object>>doesNotUnderstand: originator = nil initialContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseSignal isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: reachedDefaultHandler = false Arguments: startContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagate Receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood Instance Variables: messageText = BlockClosure [] in Object>>doesNotUnderstand: originator = nil initialContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseSignal isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: reachedDefaultHandler = false Context PC = 5 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>raiseSignal Receiver: a MessageNotUnderstood Instance Variables: messageText = BlockClosure [] in Object>>doesNotUnderstand: originator = nil initialContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: firstUnwindContext = nil handlerContext = BlockClosure>>on:do: parameter = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() proceedBlock = BlockClosure [] in GenericException>>raiseSignal isResumable = true signal = nil searchContext = UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: reachedDefaultHandler = false Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: aMessage = a Message with selector: #asInteger and arguments: #() Temporaries: excpt = a MessageNotUnderstood resumeValue = nil Context PC = 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextEncodedQuadFrom: Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Arguments: aStream = a ReadStream Temporaries: encodedQuad = an Array[4] integerIndex = 3 Context PC = 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>readNextOctetArray Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Temporaries: encodedQuad = nil newOctetTriplet = an Array[3] Context PC = 33 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextOctetArray Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>makeNextOctetArrayCurrent Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>octetArray Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>peek Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>atEnd Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Base64EncodingReadStream>>upToEnd Receiver: a Base64EncodingReadStream Instance Variables: underlyingStream = a ReadStream octetIndex = nil octetArray = nil nextOctetArray = nil Temporaries: newStream = a WriteStream Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>byteaFrom:for: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDISession class Instance Variables: superclass = ExternalDatabaseSession methodDict = a MethodDictionary[32] format = 16414 subclasses = nil instanceVariables = an Array[5] organization = ('accessing' #currentPostgresRow #currentPostgresRow: #noticeResponsesAreSuppressed #queryResult #resultList: #rowStream) ('private-library calls' #acquireExternal) ('private-execution' #cancelExternal #dismissExternal #executeExternal #readyExternal #resultsExternal) ('private-binding' #bindExternal #prepareExternal) ('private-answer set' #advanceExternal #allocateRowBufferExternal: #answerStreamDismissed #cancelAnswerSetExternal #getColumnDescriptionExternal: #getFieldExternal: #hasAnswerSetExternal #moreResultsExternal) ('private' #noticeResponsesAreSuppressed: #resetRowStream #translationsFromPostgres #valueFrom:ofType:) ('license' #license) ('services' #passNoticeResponses #suppressNoticeResponses) ('data processing' #cancel #isPrepared #rowCount) name = #PostgreSQLEXDISession classPool = a NameSpaceOfClass[0] environment = nil translationsFromPostgres = an IdentityDictionary[30] Arguments: aStream = a ReadStream aSession = a PostgreSQLEXDISession Temporaries: readStream = a Base64EncodingReadStream decodedString = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>buildTranslationsFromPostgres Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: aSession = a PostgreSQLEXDISession aStream = a ReadStream Temporaries: .self = PostgreSQLEXDISession Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDISession>>valueFrom:ofType: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDISession Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #fetchingData traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection query = 'SELECT t1.primaryKey, t1.time... 41) AND (t1.recType = ''P''))' queryFragments = an Array[1] bindInput = nil bindTemplate = nil bindOutput = nil useNamedOutputBinding = false bindValues = nil resultTemplate = nil allocateForEachRow = true blockFactor = 100 numColumns = 9 columnDescriptions = an Array[9] rowAdaptors = an Array[9] rowBuffersHolder = a ValueHolder on: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) bufferIndex = nil answerStream = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream currentRow = an Array[9] scrollable = false needBinding = false rowStream = a ReadStream currentPostgresRow = <<<<< AsciiRowMessage Field #1: Bytes (hex): [3433]. Field #2: Bytes (hex): [353531373133383737]. Field #3: Bytes (hex): [627261756572]. Field #4: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #5: Bytes (hex): [3230]. Field #6: nil Field #7: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #8: Bytes (hex): [32]. Field #9: Bytes (hex): [5C78]. noticeResponsesAreSuppressed = nil resultList = a PostgreSQLQueryResultList translationsFromPostgres = an IdentityDictionary[30] Arguments: aString = '\x' aSymbol = #bytea Temporaries: translationBlock = BlockClosure [] in PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>buildTranslationsFromPostgres Context PC = 19 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDISession>>getFieldExternal: Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDISession Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #fetchingData traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection query = 'SELECT t1.primaryKey, t1.time... 41) AND (t1.recType = ''P''))' queryFragments = an Array[1] bindInput = nil bindTemplate = nil bindOutput = nil useNamedOutputBinding = false bindValues = nil resultTemplate = nil allocateForEachRow = true blockFactor = 100 numColumns = 9 columnDescriptions = an Array[9] rowAdaptors = an Array[9] rowBuffersHolder = a ValueHolder on: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) bufferIndex = nil answerStream = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream currentRow = an Array[9] scrollable = false needBinding = false rowStream = a ReadStream currentPostgresRow = <<<<< AsciiRowMessage Field #1: Bytes (hex): [3433]. Field #2: Bytes (hex): [353531373133383737]. Field #3: Bytes (hex): [627261756572]. Field #4: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #5: Bytes (hex): [3230]. Field #6: nil Field #7: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #8: Bytes (hex): [32]. Field #9: Bytes (hex): [5C78]. noticeResponsesAreSuppressed = nil resultList = a PostgreSQLQueryResultList translationsFromPostgres = an IdentityDictionary[30] Arguments: aColumn = 9 Temporaries: field = Bytes (hex): [5C78]. columnTypeName = #bytea Context PC = 25 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQLEXDISession(ExternalDatabaseSession)>>nextRowExternal Receiver: a PostgreSQLEXDISession Instance Variables: stateHolder = a ValueHolder on: #fetchingData traceStream = nil traceLevel = 0 participants = a WeakArray[0] participantsSemaphore = a RecursionLock connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection query = 'SELECT t1.primaryKey, t1.time... 41) AND (t1.recType = ''P''))' queryFragments = an Array[1] bindInput = nil bindTemplate = nil bindOutput = nil useNamedOutputBinding = false bindValues = nil resultTemplate = nil allocateForEachRow = true blockFactor = 100 numColumns = 9 columnDescriptions = an Array[9] rowAdaptors = an Array[9] rowBuffersHolder = a ValueHolder on: #(nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil nil) bufferIndex = nil answerStream = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream currentRow = an Array[9] scrollable = false needBinding = false rowStream = a ReadStream currentPostgresRow = <<<<< AsciiRowMessage Field #1: Bytes (hex): [3433]. Field #2: Bytes (hex): [353531373133383737]. Field #3: Bytes (hex): [627261756572]. Field #4: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #5: Bytes (hex): [3230]. Field #6: nil Field #7: Bytes (hex): [32313334]. Field #8: Bytes (hex): [32]. Field #9: Bytes (hex): [5C78]. noticeResponsesAreSuppressed = nil resultList = a PostgreSQLQueryResultList translationsFromPostgres = an IdentityDictionary[30] Temporaries: currentRowCopy = an Array[9] index = 9 Context PC = 56 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>getNextRow Receiver: an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream Instance Variables: session = a PostgreSQLEXDISession nextRow = nil Temporaries: row = nil Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>atEnd Receiver: an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream Instance Variables: session = a PostgreSQLEXDISession nextRow = nil Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor(Glorp.DatabaseAccessor)>>isCursorAtEnd: Receiver: a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor Instance Variables: connection = a PostgreSQLEXDIConnection currentLogin = a Login(a Glorp.PostgreSQLPlatform, 'PostgreSQLEXDIConnection', 'brauer', 'medusa.nordakademie.intern:5432_westpol', '') logging = false logger = nil logOnly = false reusePreparedStatements = true deniedCommands = nil mutex = a Semaphore[0] dependents = nil driverSession = a PostgreSQLEXDISession preparedStatements = a Glorp.CacheManager Arguments: aCursor = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .accessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor .self = a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = Error handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd Receiver: a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Instance Variables: command = a Glorp.QuerySelectCommand(a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing) cursor = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream mightHaveDuplicateRows = nil builders = an Array[2] buildersThatReturnResults = nil databaseAccessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor peekBuffer = nil rawPeekBuffer = nil statement = a Glorp.GlorpPreparedStatement Temporaries: accessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor Context PC = 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>upToEnd Receiver: a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Instance Variables: command = a Glorp.QuerySelectCommand(a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing) cursor = an ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream mightHaveDuplicateRows = nil builders = an Array[2] buildersThatReturnResults = nil databaseAccessor = a Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor peekBuffer = nil rawPeekBuffer = nil statement = a Glorp.GlorpPreparedStatement Temporaries: result = a WriteStream nextValue = nil Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.Query)>>resultCollectionFor: Receiver: a Glorp.SimpleQuery Instance Variables: session = a Glorp.GlorpSession prepared = true expectedRows = 100 collectionType = SortedCollection ordering = nil maximumLobSizeToRetrieveDirectly = 32768 readsOneObject = false groupBy = nil resultClass = Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing whereClause = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.pkgID = Parameter(TW_Package.primaryKey) AND Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.recType = 'P' base = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing) limit = nil offset = nil proxyType = nil shouldRefresh = false tracing = a Glorp.Tracing builders = an Array[2] fields = an OrderedCollection[9] joins = an OrderedCollection[1] tablePrefix = nil customCommand = nil tablesToPrint = a SortedCollection[2] Arguments: aCursoredStream = a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream Temporaries: results = a Glorp.AddingWriteStream finalAnswer = nil Context PC = 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>readFromDatabaseWithParameters: Receiver: a Glorp.SimpleQuery Instance Variables: session = a Glorp.GlorpSession prepared = true expectedRows = 100 collectionType = SortedCollection ordering = nil maximumLobSizeToRetrieveDirectly = 32768 readsOneObject = false groupBy = nil resultClass = Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing whereClause = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.pkgID = Parameter(TW_Package.primaryKey) AND Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.recType = 'P' base = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing) limit = nil offset = nil proxyType = nil shouldRefresh = false tracing = a Glorp.Tracing builders = an Array[2] fields = an OrderedCollection[9] joins = an OrderedCollection[1] tablePrefix = nil customCommand = nil tablesToPrint = a SortedCollection[2] Arguments: anArray = an IdentityDictionary[2] Temporaries: answerStream = a Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream result = nil Context PC = 23 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>executeWithParameters:in: Receiver: a Glorp.SimpleQuery Instance Variables: session = a Glorp.GlorpSession prepared = true expectedRows = 100 collectionType = SortedCollection ordering = nil maximumLobSizeToRetrieveDirectly = 32768 readsOneObject = false groupBy = nil resultClass = Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing whereClause = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.pkgID = Parameter(TW_Package.primaryKey) AND Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing).TW_Blessing.recType = 'P' base = Base(Store.Glorp.StoreBlessing) limit = nil offset = nil proxyType = nil shouldRefresh = false tracing = a Glorp.Tracing builders = an Array[2] fields = an OrderedCollection[9] joins = an OrderedCollection[1] tablePrefix = nil customCommand = nil tablesToPrint = a SortedCollection[2] Arguments: parameterArray = an IdentityDictionary[2] aSession = a Glorp.GlorpSession Context PC = 35 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Glorp.Proxy>>getValue Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = {uninstantiated collection of StoreBlessing} Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in Glorp.Proxy>>getValue outerContext = nil copiedValues = {uninstantiated collection of StoreBlessing} Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Glorp.Proxy>>getValue Temporaries: result = nil Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.Proxy>>getValue Receiver: a Glorp.Proxy Instance Variables: value = nil isInstantiated = false session = a Glorp.GlorpSession query = a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing parameters = an IdentityDictionary[2] action = nil Context PC = 24 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Glorp.Proxy(Glorp.AbstractProxy)>>doesNotUnderstand: Receiver: a Glorp.Proxy Instance Variables: value = nil isInstantiated = false session = a Glorp.GlorpSession query = a SimpleQuery for StoreBlessing parameters = an IdentityDictionary[2] action = nil Arguments: aMessage = a Message with selector: #do: and arguments: #(BlockClosure [] in [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated) Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated Receiver: an UndefinedObject Arguments: each = StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,1.0) Temporaries: .updateText = a TextStream Context PC = 34 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- OrderedCollection>>do: Receiver: an OrderedCollection Instance Variables: firstIndex = 1 lastIndex = 1 Arguments: aBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated Temporaries: index = 1 Context PC = 17 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated Receiver: a Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane Instance Variables: dependents = nil builder = an UIBuilder uiSession = nil eventHandlers = nil itemsInList = a MultiSelectionInList tool = a Store.Glorp.PublishedPundleVersionsTool title = 'Published Items on westpol' listFilterBlock = nil imageVersions = a Dictionary[0] publishedFormatDescriptions = a Dictionary[2] Temporaries: updateText = a TextStream initial = nil initialComment = nil Context PC = 26 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DependencyTransformer>>update:with:from: Receiver: a DependencyTransformer Instance Variables: receiver = a Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane selector = #selectionsUpdated numArguments = 0 aspect = #value suspended = false Arguments: anAspect = #value parameters = nil anObject = a ValueHolder on: OrderedCollection (1) Context PC = 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- DependentsCollection>>update:with:from: Receiver: a DependentsCollection Arguments: anAspect = #value aParameter = nil anObject = a ValueHolder on: OrderedCollection (1) Temporaries: i = 3 Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueHolder(Object)>>changed:with: Receiver: a ValueHolder Instance Variables: dependents = a DependentsCollection[2] value = an OrderedCollection[1] Arguments: anAspectSymbol = #value aParameter = nil Context PC = 7 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueHolder(Object)>>changed: Receiver: a ValueHolder Instance Variables: dependents = a DependentsCollection[2] value = an OrderedCollection[1] Arguments: anAspectSymbol = #value Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- ValueHolder(ValueModel)>>value: Receiver: a ValueHolder Instance Variables: dependents = a DependentsCollection[2] value = an OrderedCollection[1] Arguments: newValue = an OrderedCollection[1] Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- MultiSelectionSequenceView>>useSingleSelectionIndex: Receiver: a MultiSelectionSequenceView Instance Variables: container = nil eventHandlers = nil properties = nil model = nil controller = nil state = a WidgetState scrollOffset = a ScrollValueHolder sequence = a List[4] selectionChannel = a ValueHolder on: OrderedCollection (1) selectionIndex = 0 targetIndex = 1 grid = BlockClosure [] in SequenceView>>initializeGrid textStyle = nil displayStringSelector = nil visualBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>setUpListViewWith: selectedVisualBlock = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>setUpListViewWith: measureWidth = true cachedWidth = 434 selections = an OrderedCollection[1] lastSelectionIndex = 1 Arguments: anIndex = 1 Temporaries: wasSelected = false Context PC = 69 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceController>>toggleAt:withEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceController Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: List (StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,1.0) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.3) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.2) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.1)) view = a MultiSelectionSequenceView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.DefinitionsForListPane>>listMenu performer = a Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane outside = false searchString = nil keyboardHook = nil doStringSearching = true dispatcher = an UIDispatcher dragDropCallbacks = nil selectOnDownWithDrag = false autoSelect = true useModifierKeys = true Arguments: anIndex = 1 anEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 20 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceController>>toggleTargetWithEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceController Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: List (StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,1.0) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.3) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.2) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.1)) view = a MultiSelectionSequenceView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.DefinitionsForListPane>>listMenu performer = a Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane outside = false searchString = nil keyboardHook = nil doStringSearching = true dispatcher = an UIDispatcher dragDropCallbacks = nil selectOnDownWithDrag = false autoSelect = true useModifierKeys = true Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Temporaries: index = 1 Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceController>>selectUpAt:withEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceController Instance Variables: model = a ValueHolder on: List (StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,1.0) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.3) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.2) StorePackage(CSSBoxmodellUebung,0.1)) view = a MultiSelectionSequenceView sensor = a TranslatingSensor menuHolder = BlockClosure [] in Store.Glorp.DefinitionsForListPane>>listMenu performer = a Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane outside = false searchString = nil keyboardHook = nil doStringSearching = true dispatcher = an UIDispatcher dragDropCallbacks = nil selectOnDownWithDrag = false autoSelect = true useModifierKeys = true Arguments: aPoint = 168 @ 9 event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 8 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceTracker>>finishSelectionForEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceTracker Instance Variables: controller = an EmulatedSequenceController process = nil wantsToDrag = false selectionDone = false startEvent = a RedButtonPressedEvent Arguments: aMouseButtonEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Temporaries: currentPoint = 168 @ 9 Context PC = 22 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceTracker>>redButtonReleasedEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceTracker Instance Variables: controller = an EmulatedSequenceController process = nil wantsToDrag = false selectionDone = false startEvent = a RedButtonPressedEvent Arguments: aMouseButtonEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent>>dispatchTo: Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 28176026 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = a ScheduledWindow nil state = 0 x = 470 y = 58 gx = 1375 gy = 528 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: anObject = an EmulatedSequenceTracker Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EmulatedSequenceTracker(SelectionTracker)>>handleEvent: Receiver: an EmulatedSequenceTracker Instance Variables: controller = an EmulatedSequenceController process = nil wantsToDrag = false selectionDone = false startEvent = a RedButtonPressedEvent Arguments: anEvent = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatch:to: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false lastControlObject = nil trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent object = an EmulatedSequenceTracker Temporaries: tmp = nil Context PC = 10 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- [] in EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false lastControlObject = nil trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Temporaries: .self = an EventDispatcher .event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: outerContext = EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = ClosedWindowNotification handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- EventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent: Receiver: an EventDispatcher Instance Variables: windowController = an ApplicationStandardSystemController currentMouseConsumer = nil grabbingMouse = false lastControlObject = nil trapList = nil state = nil repairDamageWhenDebugging = true flushQueueAfterError = true distributeEventsWhenDebugging = true dragDropInProgress = false dragDropTracker = nil dispatchUnknownEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Temporaries: objectWantingControl = nil targetKeyboardProcessor = nil Context PC = 68 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatch Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 28176026 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = a ScheduledWindow nil state = 0 x = 470 y = 58 gx = 1375 gy = 528 buttonNumber = 1 Context PC = 16 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- RedButtonReleasedEvent(Event)>>dispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a RedButtonReleasedEvent Instance Variables: time = 28176026 initiator = an EventDispatcher window = a ScheduledWindow nil state = 0 x = 470 y = 58 gx = 1375 gy = 528 buttonNumber = 1 Arguments: aWinMgr = a WindowManager Context PC = 4 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 6 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: outerContext = nil copiedValues = an Array[2] Arguments: anExceptionSelector = BadControllerError handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>safelyDispatchForWindowManager: Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[0] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in nil dontFilterEvents = false Arguments: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- WindowManager>>processNextEvent Receiver: a WindowManager Instance Variables: windows = an OrderedCollection[0] activeController = nil interruptLock = false outstandingMetaOrDamage = false openInProgress = false eventQueue = an EventQueue baseProcess = a Process in nil dontFilterEvents = false Temporaries: event = a RedButtonReleasedEvent Context PC = 9 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 13 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .self = a WindowManager Context PC = 15 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: a BlockClosure Instance Variables: method = CompiledBlock [] in WindowManager>>newProcess outerContext = nil copiedValues = a WindowManager Arguments: anExceptionSelector = TerminateException handlerBlock = BlockClosure [] in [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Context PC = 18 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- optimized [] in Process class>>forBlock:priority: Receiver: an UndefinedObject Temporaries: .aBlock = BlockClosure [] in WindowManager>>newProcess Context PC = 9 ________________________________ Staatlich anerkannte private Fachhochschule NORDAKADEMIE Gemeinnützige Aktiengesellschaft Köllner Chaussee 11 25337 Elmshorn Vorstand: Prof. Dr. Georg Plate (Vorsitzender), Dipl.-Ing. Jörg Meier (stellv. Vorstand) Vorsitzender des Aufsichtsrats: Dr. h.c. Hans-Heinrich Bruns Sitz: Elmshorn, Amtsgericht Elmshorn, HRB 1682 _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
Subject: RE: [vwnc] Store
using Postgres 9 with Windows 7
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2011 13:26:09 -0700 From: [hidden email] To: [hidden email]; [hidden email] Frank, You need to change the below line in your postgresql.conf as follows and restart the service, bytea_output = 'escape' # hex, escape Also, see recent discussion (attached) as to how this could be transparently addressed in the EXDI driver. -Boris
_______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
Alan, Is it possible to add transparent support for reading of hex-encoded bytea? Seems like these queries come up with some frequency and more will face the same issue as 9.x becomes a de-facto version with hex as default. -Boris From: [hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Alan Knight Subject: RE: [vwnc] Store using Postgres 9 with Windows 7 [hidden email] Hi, _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
In reply to this post by jb
I have created Support Resolution Res100751 to counter this problem. Alternatively, you can
configure your Postgres server to use another format for transferring byte arrays. For this workaround you need to change the PostgreSQL server configuration (postgresql.conf) and add the line bytea_output = 'escape' This is the default in PostgreSQL 8 and the only format which is supported by the current Postgres EXDI. Regards Holger Am 19.12.2011 11:06, schrieb Johannes Brauer: > Hi, > > we upgraded our postgres server from version 8.4 to 9.1.1 and now we have problems selecting packages versions. If I select a package version in the Published Items window I get the error message > > "The image its disconnected from the database, and the version information is obsolete. The window will now close." After clicking OK the following exception below occurs. > > Known problem? What can we do? > > Johannes > > Unhandled exception: Message not understood: #asInteger > Glorp.GlorpDatabaseReadError(Glorp.GlorpError)>>signal > Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor>>handleError:for: > optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd > BlockClosure>>cull: > MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>performHandler: > MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagatePrivateFrom: > MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagateFrom: > MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>propagate > MessageNotUnderstood(GenericException)>>raiseSignal > UndefinedObject(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: > Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextEncodedQuadFrom: > Base64EncodingReadStream>>readNextOctetArray > Base64EncodingReadStream>>nextOctetArray > Base64EncodingReadStream>>makeNextOctetArrayCurrent > Base64EncodingReadStream>>octetArray > Base64EncodingReadStream>>peek > Base64EncodingReadStream>>atEnd > Base64EncodingReadStream>>upToEnd > PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>byteaFrom:for: > optimized [] in PostgreSQLEXDISession class>>buildTranslationsFromPostgres > PostgreSQLEXDISession>>valueFrom:ofType: > PostgreSQLEXDISession>>getFieldExternal: > PostgreSQLEXDISession(ExternalDatabaseSession)>>nextRowExternal > ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>getNextRow > ExternalDatabaseAnswerStream>>atEnd > Glorp.VWDatabaseAccessor(Glorp.DatabaseAccessor)>>isCursorAtEnd: > optimized [] in Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd > BlockClosure>>on:do: > Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>atEnd > Glorp.GlorpCursoredStream>>upToEnd > Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.Query)>>resultCollectionFor: > Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>readFromDatabaseWithParameters: > Glorp.SimpleQuery(Glorp.AbstractReadQuery)>>executeWithParameters:in: > optimized [] in Glorp.Proxy>>getValue > BlockClosure>>ensure: > Glorp.Proxy>>getValue > Glorp.Proxy(Glorp.AbstractProxy)>>doesNotUnderstand: > optimized [] in Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated > OrderedCollection>>do: > Store.Glorp.PundleVersionPane>>selectionsUpdated _______________________________________________ vwnc mailing list [hidden email] http://lists.cs.uiuc.edu/mailman/listinfo/vwnc |
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