Hmm. BottomFeeder (released) is on 7.3. Dev version is on 7.4. I run
10.4.4 here on my Mac, so I can't test against that specific release - but
I do know that VW 7.3, 7.4 (and the relevant Bf releases) run on 10.4.4
At 04:54 PM 3/7/2006, you wrote:
>I am having problems with VW7.4 crashing on a Mac running
>MacOS 10.3.9 This is the first time I've tried 7.4. I
>recall that someone gave a fix for this, but I didn't save it.
>I downloaded the newest version of BottomFeeder and it has the
>same problem, which I assume is caused by the same thing.
<Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library>
James Robertson, Product Manager, Cincom Smalltalk