I have a web cam running and want to capture a snapshot every 7 or so seconds. I have no problems doing this on ordinary web access using
WinHttpSession. However, my web cam insists on a login/password combination.
I can access the snapshot by using the following url.
I should add that waterfrontweather.co.uk us my own web site running on a server in my apartment.
When I try to do the same using some code I get an html response that tells me that I need to log in. What I should get is a text stream which, when saved as a raw file, becomes a jpeg. (I have done this thousands of times before when accessing stock photos of items at a wholesaler's web site so I am happy that, generally, this works.The code is as follows.
| server session realUrl f stream result url|
url := 'http://guest:guest@...:81/media?action=snapshot'.
session := WinHttpSession new.
realUrl := url winHttpAsUrl.
| connection response contentLength |
connection := session connectToUrl: realUrl.
stream := WriteStream on: String new.
response := connection submitGetRequest: realUrl absolutePath using: stream.
contentLength := response headerContentLength.
result := stream contents
] ensure: [
session release
] .
^ result
You can try this from your browser and should get the same http text response.
This is what I get
'<html><head><title>Document Error: Unauthorized</title></head>
<body><h2>Access Error: Unauthorized</h2>
<p>Access to this document requires a User ID</p></body></html>
Any thoughts would be helpful.
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