I have a trouble when I try install D5 package in D6 CE image. Pls help me , How I can solve it? PS. This package contain view with resource. ==================== stack ============= 'The class ViewResource could not be found in the image' ClassLocator(Object)>>error: ClassLocator>>errorClassNotFound ClassLocator(FileLocator)>>findOrImportForeignClass ClassLocator>>locateClass STBInFiler>>readClassLocator: STBInFiler>>readClassData: STBInFiler>>basicNext STBInFiler>>next Object class>>binaryReadFrom:context: Object class>>binaryReadFrom: Object class>>fromBinaryStoreBytes: UndefinedObject>>{unbound}doIt Compiler class>>evaluate:for:evaluationPools:logged:ifFail: Compiler class>>evaluate:for:evaluationPools:logged: Compiler class>>evaluate:for:logged: [] in ChunkSourceFiler>>fileIn ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry [] in ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: ExceptionHandler(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>on:do: ChunkSourceFiler>>fileIn Package>>loadPAC: [] in Package>>loadPAC BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: Package>>loadPAC Package>>load PackageManager>>basicInstall: [] in PackageManager>>install: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: [] in PackageManager>>install: OrderedCollection>>do: [] in PackageManager>>install: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: PackageManager>>install: [] in PackageSelector>>openPackageFile: ExceptionHandlerSet(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>markAndTry [] in ExceptionHandlerSet(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: ExceptionHandlerSet(ExceptionHandlerAbstract)>>try: BlockClosure>>onDo: BlockClosure>>on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do:on:do: PackageSelector>>openPackageFile: [] in PackageSelector>>openPackage BlockClosure>>ifCurtailed: BlockClosure>>ensure: |
Try to get rid of any view resource on your code, that could possibly
be out of the standard dolphin controls and try again. good luck, Sebastian |
In reply to this post by Pavel
> I have a trouble when I try install D5 package in D6 CE image. That /should/ work (although there are some potential problems, it usually works OK). It sounds as if one of the necessary classes is missing. Do you have package 'Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework' installed ? -- chris |
Chris, Tnx for reply
> It sounds as if one of the necessary classes is missing. Do you > have package 'Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework' installed ? No. I'm using D6 CE standart image and this image don't contain that package. May be it impossible in D6 CE? |
> > It sounds as if one of the necessary classes is missing. Do you > > have package 'Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework' installed ? > No. I'm using D6 CE standart image and this image don't contain that > package. > May be it impossible in D6 CE? Hmm.. it looks like that is an omission from DCE. The Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework is required to load in old packages and convert view resources from the old STB format to the new Literal Filer format. I've logged this as enhancement request #2150. In the meantime you could try saving the following as "Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework.pac" and loading it into your DCE image before attempting to load your D5 package. Best regards, -- Andy Bower Dolphin Support www.object-arts.com ===Cuthere | package | package := Package name: 'Dolphin Legacy Resource Framework'. package paxVersion: 1; basicComment: 'The classes here are the vestigial laegacy resource framework from versions of Dolphin prior to 6.0. The are only require when loading packages saved from these earlier versions of the system.'. package classNames add: #Resource; add: #ResourceAccessor; add: #ResourceDummyAccessor; add: #ResourceGeneratorAccessor; add: #ResourceSTBAccessor; add: #ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor; add: #ResourceSTBFileAccessor; add: #STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy; add: #STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy; add: #ViewResource; yourself. package methodNames add: #ChunkSourceFiler -> #fileOutResource:; add: #ResourceIdentifier -> #assignBinaryResourceData:; add: #RuntimeSessionManager -> #initializeFromSessionManager:; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Dolphin'; add: '..\MVP\Base\Dolphin MVP Base'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! Object subclass: #Resource instanceVariableNames: 'accessor icon' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! Object subclass: #ResourceAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'flags' classVariableNames: 'ChangedMask' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! Resource subclass: #ViewResource instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ResourceAccessor subclass: #ResourceDummyAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'object' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ResourceAccessor subclass: #ResourceGeneratorAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'class selector' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ResourceAccessor subclass: #ResourceSTBAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'classLocator' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ResourceSTBAccessor subclass: #ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'byteArray' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! ResourceSTBAccessor subclass: #ResourceSTBFileAccessor instanceVariableNames: 'fileName' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! STBProxy subclass: #STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy instanceVariableNames: 'bytes' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! STBProxy subclass: #STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy instanceVariableNames: 'fileName bytes' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' classInstanceVariableNames: ''! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !ChunkSourceFiler methodsFor! fileOutResource: aResourceIdentifier "Append a definition of the resource identified by the <ResourceIdentifier>, aResourceIdentifer, to the <puttableStream>, aWriteStream. The definition should be sufficient to recreate a copy of the resource." stream nextPut: $(; print: aResourceIdentifier class; nextPutAll: ' class: '; print: aResourceIdentifier owningClass; nextPutAll: ' name: '; print: aResourceIdentifier name; nextPutAll: ') assign: ('; print: Object; space; display: #fromBinaryStoreBytes:; cr. aResourceIdentifier resource asInternalResource binaryStoreBytes base64StoreOn: stream. self emitChunk: ')'! ! !ChunkSourceFiler categoriesFor: #fileOutResource:!public!source filing! ! !ResourceIdentifier methodsFor! assignBinaryResourceData: aViewResource | view viewClass | viewClass := self class environment at: #View. view := aViewResource loadWithContext: viewClass desktop forEdit: true. self assign: view literalStoreArray. view destroy! ! !ResourceIdentifier categoriesFor: #assignBinaryResourceData:!private! ! !RuntimeSessionManager methodsFor! initializeFromSessionManager: oldSessionManager "Private - The receiver has taken take over as the current session manager from oldSessionManager. This is an opportunity to transfer state information from the replaced manager." super initializeFromSessionManager: oldSessionManager. Smalltalk at: #ResourceAccessor ifPresent: [:ra | ra ensureAccessorsAreInternal]! ! !RuntimeSessionManager categoriesFor: #initializeFromSessionManager:!initializing!private! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! Resource guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C4AF-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! Resource comment: ''! !Resource categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !Resource methodsFor! accessor "Private - Answer the receiver's accessor instance var. This is the object that contains the wherewithall to perform the actual load." ^accessor! accessor: aResourceAccessor "Private - Set the receiver's accessor instance var to aResourceAccessor. This is the object that contains the wherewithall to perform the actual load." accessor := aResourceAccessor! asInternalResource "Answer a new instance whose accessor is internal to the image." | newResource | (newResource := self shallowCopy) accessor: accessor asInternalAccessor. ^newResource! assignToResourceIdentifier: aResourceIdentifier "Private - Assign the receiver, as a binary resource array, to aResourceIdentifier" aResourceIdentifier assignBinaryResourceData: self! canSave "Answer whether the receiver represents a resource which can be updated" ^accessor canSave! copy "Private - Answer a copy of the receiver suitable for putting on the ResourceManager clipboard." ^super copy accessor: accessor copy; yourself! defaultContext "Private - Answer the default context to use when one is not provided." ^nil! edit: aResourceIdentifier "Invoke a suitable editor to edit the receiver with the given identity." ^self subclassResponsibility! icon "Answer the icon used to represent this resource" ^icon ifNil: [super icon]! icon: anIcon "Set the the icon used to represent this resource" icon := anIcon! isChanged "Answer whether the resource has been changed since it was last saved to disk." ^accessor isChanged! isChanged: aBoolean "Flag the receiver as changed or not changed, according to the value of the <Boolean> argument." ^accessor isChanged: aBoolean! isInternalResource "Answer whether the receiver represents a resource which is held internally in the image" ^accessor isInternalAccessor! load "Load an instance of the resource represented by the receiver." ^self loadWithContext: self defaultContext! loadWithContext: context "Load the resource represented by the receiver with context as its target context." ^self loadWithContext: context forEdit: false! loadWithContext: context forEdit: aBoolean ^accessor loadWithContext: context forEdit: aBoolean! makeByteArray "Store the resource represented by the receiver in a byteArray accessed via a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor." accessor makeByteArrayClass: self class usingContext: self defaultContext! makeFile: aResourceIdentifier "Store the resource represented by the receiver in an STBFile accessed via a ResourceSTBFileAccessor. The name of the file should be based on aResourceIdentifier." self makeFilename: (self class generateFileNameFrom: aResourceIdentifier) ! makeFilename: aStringFilename "Store the resource represented by the receiver in an STBFile accessed via a ResourceSTBFileAccessor on aStringFilename." accessor makeFile: aStringFilename class: self class usingContext: self defaultContext! resave "Loads and saves the receiver" self save: self load ! save: anObject "Save anObject as the resource represented by the receiver. At the same time extract a default icon to use to represent this resource" accessor save: anObject as: self class. self icon: anObject icon.! show: aResourceIdentifier "Display the receiver in a suitable manner with the given identity." ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #accessor!accessing!private! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #accessor:!accessing!private! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #asInternalResource!converting!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #assignToResourceIdentifier:!private! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #canSave!public!testing! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #copy!operations!private! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #defaultContext!constants!private! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #edit:!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #icon!accessing!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #icon:!accessing!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #isChanged!public!testing! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #isChanged:!accessing!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #isInternalResource!public!testing! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #load!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:forEdit:!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #makeByteArray!mutating!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #makeFile:!development!mutating!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #makeFilename:!mutating!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #resave!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #save:!operations!public! ! !Resource categoriesFor: #show:!operations!public! ! !Resource class methodsFor! copyAllToClipboard: aCollection "Create new instances of the receiver for each of the elements of aCollection. with a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor and save it to the ResourceManager's clipboard." | resourceManager | (resourceManager := SessionManager current resourceManager) clearClipboard. aCollection do: [:each | | res | (res := self inSTBByteArray) save: each. resourceManager addToClipboard: (InternalDragDropObject object: res)]! copyToClipboard: anObject "Create a new instance of the receiver with a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor and save it to the ResourceManager's clipboard." | res | res := self inSTBByteArray save: anObject; yourself. SessionManager current resourceManager clearClipboard; addToClipboard: (InternalDragDropObject object: res). ! createdFromClass: aClass selector: selector "Answer an instance of the receiver which will create new object on each call to #load or #loadWithContext:. The new object is created by sending selector to aClass with a parameter of the context passed to #loadWithContext:." ^super new accessor: (ResourceGeneratorAccessor class: aClass selector: selector); yourself! defaultWritable "Answer a writable resource suitable for containing a resource. By default, Resources are stored in a ByteArray in the image." ^self inSTBByteArray! dummy "Answer an instance of the receiver which will directly hold its resource data." ^super new accessor: ResourceDummyAccessor new; yourself! fileExtension "Private - Answer the file extension associated with resources of this type when stored in files. Must be overridden by subclasses as necessary." ^'stb'! generateFileNameFrom: aResourceIdentifier "Private - Answer a file name suitable for holding the resource identified by aResourceIdentifier." | package | package := Package manager packageOfResourceIdentifierOrItsClass: aResourceIdentifier. ^self generateFilenameFrom: aResourceIdentifier inPackage: package! generateFilenameFrom: aResourceIdentifier inPackage: package | path | path := package isNil ifTrue: [''] ifFalse: [package path]. ^File composePath: path stem: aResourceIdentifier displayString extension: self fileExtension! icon "Answers an Icon that can be used to represent this class" ^##(self) defaultIcon! inSTBByteArray "Answer an instance of the receiver which will save/load its resource data to a ByteArray in STB format." ^super new accessor: ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor new; yourself! inSTBFileWithName: aFileName "Answer an instance of the receiver which will save/load its resource data to/from an STB file with name aFileName." ^super new accessor: (ResourceSTBFileAccessor onFileName: aFileName); yourself! inSTBFileWithNameBasedOn: aResourceIdentifier "Answer an instance of the receiver which will save/load its resource data to/from an STB file whose name is based on aResourceIdentifier." ^self inSTBFileWithName: (self generateFileNameFrom: aResourceIdentifier)! save: anObject toFiler: anSTBOutFiler "Private - Save anObject to the STBOutFiler provided." anSTBOutFiler nextPut: anObject! stbConvertFrom: anSTBClassFormat "Convert from version 0 Resource. Version 1 adds an icon instance var" ^ [:data | | newInstance | newInstance := self basicNew. 1 to: data size do: [:i | newInstance instVarAt: i put: (data at: i)]. newInstance]! stbVersion "Answer the current binary filer version number for instances of the receiver." ^1! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #copyAllToClipboard:!copying!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #copyToClipboard:!binary filing!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #createdFromClass:selector:!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #defaultWritable!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #dummy!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #fileExtension!constants!private! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #generateFileNameFrom:!development!filename manipulation!private! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #generateFilenameFrom:inPackage:!development!filename manipulation!private! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #icon!constants!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #inSTBByteArray!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #inSTBFileWithName:!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #inSTBFileWithNameBasedOn:!development!instance creation!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #save:toFiler:!binary filing!private! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFrom:!binary filing!public! ! !Resource class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!binary filing!public! ! ResourceAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C4B0-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! ResourceAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceAccessor methodsFor! asInternalAccessor "Private - Answer the receiver or a new resource accessor whose resources data is held entirely within the image." ^self! canSave "Answer whether the receiver is capable of saving a resource." ^true! hiddenObjects "Private - Answers a <Set> of all the <Object>s that are referenced by or contained in the receiver's resource but that cannot be guaranteed to be present in the image at the current time." ^Set new! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver." flags := 0! isChanged "Answer whether the receiver has been modified since its Changed flag was last reset." ^flags anyMask: ChangedMask! isChanged: aBoolean "Private - Set the receiver's Changed flag to aBoolean." flags := flags mask: ChangedMask set: aBoolean! isInternalAccessor "Answer true if the receiver denotes a resource that is held internal to the image" ^true! loadWithContext: anObject forEdit: isLoadingForEdit "Answer an instance of the resource held represented by the receiver. The new instance requires a context in which to live, this is provided by context." ^self subclassResponsibility! makeByteArrayClass: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it." | byteArrayAccessor | byteArrayAccessor := ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor new. byteArrayAccessor save: (self loadWithContext: context forEdit: false) as: aResourceClass. self become: byteArrayAccessor! makeFile: aString class: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBFileAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it into an STB file named aString." | fileAccessor | fileAccessor := ResourceSTBFileAccessor onFileName: aString. fileAccessor save: (self loadWithContext: context forEdit: false) as: aResourceClass. self become: fileAccessor! save: anObject as: aResourceClass "Save out anObject in the format dictated by aResourceClass." ^self subclassResponsibility! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #asInternalAccessor!converting!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #canSave!public!testing! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #hiddenObjects!image stripping!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #initialize!operations!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #isChanged!public!testing! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #isChanged:!accessing!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #isInternalAccessor!public!testing! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:forEdit:!operations!public! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #makeByteArrayClass:usingContext:!converting!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #makeFile:class:usingContext:!converting!private! ! !ResourceAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:!operations!public! ! !ResourceAccessor class methodsFor! ensureAccessorsAreInternal "Private - Convert all the accessor instances so that the resource data is held within the image rather than as separate files, etc." ResourceAccessor allSubinstances do: [:aResourceAccessor | aResourceAccessor become: aResourceAccessor asInternalAccessor]! icon "Answers an Icon that can be used to represent this class" ^Resource icon! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver." ChangedMask := 16r01.! new "Answer a new initialized instance of the receiver." ^super new initialize; yourself! stbConvertFrom: anSTBClassFormat "Answer a block to convert the given data array to the current version." anSTBClassFormat version > self stbVersion ifTrue: [^super stbConvertFrom: anSTBClassFormat]. ^ [:data | | newInstance array | array := data. anSTBClassFormat version to: self stbVersion - 1 do: [:version | | selector | selector := ('stbConvertFromVersion' , version displayString , ':') asSymbol. array := self perform: selector with: array]. newInstance := self basicNew. 1 to: self instSize do: [:i | newInstance instVarAt: i put: (array at: i)]. newInstance]! stbConvertFromVersion0: version0Array "Private - Convert from version 0 to version 1. instVarAt: Version 1 Version 0 ---------- --------- --------- 1 flags whatever... 2 whatever..." ^(WriteStream on: Array new) nextPut: 0; nextPutAll: version0Array; contents ! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #ensureAccessorsAreInternal!operations!private! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #icon!constants!development!public! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #initialize!development!initializing!private! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #new!instance creation!public! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFrom:!binary filing!public! ! !ResourceAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFromVersion0:!binary filing!private! ! ViewResource guid: (GUID fromString: '{A018036D-0816-4244-A08B-0CB433E4EB97}')! ViewResource comment: ''! !ViewResource categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ViewResource class methodsFor! fileExtension "Private - Answer the file extension associated with resources of this type when stored in files." ^'vu'! ! !ViewResource class categoriesFor: #fileExtension!private! ! ResourceDummyAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6D7-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! ResourceDummyAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceDummyAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor methodsFor! loadWithContext: anObject forEdit: isLoadingForEdit "Answer an instance of the resource held in the receiver. If the new instance requires a context in which to live, this is provided by context." ^object! object: anObject "Set the receiver's object inst var to anObject. This will be answered directly on load." object := anObject! save: anObject as: aResourceClass "Save out anObject in the format dictated by aResourceClass." self object: anObject. self isChanged: true! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:forEdit:!operations!public! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor categoriesFor: #object:!accessing!public! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:!operations!public! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor class methodsFor! stbVersion "Answer the current binary filer version number for instances of the receiver." ^1! ! !ResourceDummyAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!binary filing!public! ! ResourceGeneratorAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6D8-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! ResourceGeneratorAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor methodsFor! canSave "Answer whether the receiver is capable of saving a resource." ^false! class: aClass selector: aSelector "Set the receiver's inst vars from the parameters." class := aClass. selector := aSelector! loadWithContext: anObject forEdit: isLoadingForEdit "Answer an instance of the resource held represented by the receiver. The new instance requires a context in which to live, this is provided by context." ^class perform: selector with: anObject! save: anObject as: aResource "Save out anObject in the format dictated by aResourceClass." ^self shouldNotImplement! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor categoriesFor: #canSave!public!testing! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor categoriesFor: #class:selector:!instance creation!public! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:forEdit:!operations!public! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:!operations!public! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor class methodsFor! class: aClass selector: aSelector "Answer a new instance of the receiver initialized from the parameters." ^self new class: aClass selector: aSelector; yourself! stbVersion "Answer the current binary filer version number for instances of the receiver." ^1! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor class categoriesFor: #class:selector:!instance creation!public! ! !ResourceGeneratorAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!instance creation!public! ! ResourceSTBAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{0CC7574B-24F8-4714-9068-6C282E7BF1F1}')! ResourceSTBAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor methodsFor! byteArray "Private - Answer the receiver's byteArray inst var." ^self subclassResponsibility! classLocator "Private - Answer the class locator used to import referenced classes into the image" ^classLocator! classLocator: aClassLocator "Private - Set the receiver's classLocator inst var to aClassLocator. This will be injected into the filer used to load the resource so that any references to remote classes can be resolved." classLocator := aClassLocator! hiddenObjects "Private - Answers a <collection> of the <Object>s that are contained in the receiver's resource Implementation note. This is not particularly fast since it loads the resource and any external classes it needs into the image. View resources will not be realized as windows however." | stream | stream := self readStream. ^ [(STBInFiler on: stream) basicNext; readMap] ensure: [stream close]! initialize "Private - Initialize the receiver." super initialize. self classLocator: ClassLocator new! loadWithContext: anObject forEdit: isLoadingForEdit "Answer an instance of the resource held in the STB file associated with the receiver. If the new instance requires a context in which to live, this is provided by context." | stream | stream := self readStream. ^ [(STBInFiler on: stream) classLocator: classLocator copyWithCodeBase; isUpgrading: isLoadingForEdit; context: anObject; next] ensure: [stream close]! readStream ^self subclassResponsibility! save: anObject as: aResourceClass on: stream aResourceClass save: anObject toFiler: (STBOutFiler on: stream)! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #byteArray!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #classLocator!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #classLocator:!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #hiddenObjects!image stripping!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #initialize!initializing!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #loadWithContext:forEdit:!operations!public! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #readStream!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:on:!operations!private! ! ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6D9-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor methodsFor! byteArray "Private - Answer the receiver's byteArray inst var." ^byteArray! byteArray: aByteArray "Private - Set the receiver's byteArray inst var to aByteArray. This is the STB format data file from which the receiver will load instances of the resource." byteArray := aByteArray! makeByteArrayClass: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it." ^self! makeFile: aString class: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBFileAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it into an STB file named aString." | stream | stream := FileStream write: aString text: false. [ stream nextPutAll: byteArray ] ensure: [stream close]. self become: (ResourceSTBFileAccessor onFileName: aString) ! postCopy super postCopy. byteArray := byteArray copy. ^self! readStream ^byteArray readStream! save: anObject as: aResourceClass "Save out anObject in the format dictated by aResourceClass." | stream | stream := ByteArray writeStream: 256. self save: anObject as: aResourceClass on: stream. byteArray := stream contents. self isChanged: true! stbSaveOn: anSTBOutFiler "Output the receiver to anSTBOutFiler. The proxy is required so that we can propagate the codebase of the loading STBInFiler into the reconstituted accessor thus allowing us to resolve remote class references within a resource." anSTBOutFiler saveObject: self as: (STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy forAccessor: self)! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #byteArray!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #byteArray:!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #makeByteArrayClass:usingContext:!mutating!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #makeFile:class:usingContext:!mutating!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #postCopy!copying!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #readStream!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:!operations!public! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor categoriesFor: #stbSaveOn:!binary filing!public! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor class methodsFor! onByteArray: aByteArray "Answer a new instance of the receiver capable of loading instances from the data in STB format in aByteArray." ^self new byteArray: aByteArray yourself! stbConvertFromVersion1: version1Array "Private - Convert version1Array to version 2 format and answer the new Array. instVarAt: Version 2 Version 1 ---------- --------- --------- 1 flags flags 2 classLocator byteArray 3 byteArray" ^Array with: (version1Array at: 1) with: ClassLocator new with: (version1Array at: 2)! stbVersion "Answer the current binary filer version number for instances of the receiver." ^2! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor class categoriesFor: #onByteArray:!instance creation!public! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFromVersion1:!binary filing!private! ! !ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!binary filing!public! ! ResourceSTBFileAccessor guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6DA-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! ResourceSTBFileAccessor comment: ''! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesForClass!MVP-Resources! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor methodsFor! asInternalAccessor "Private - Answer the receiver or a new resource accessor whose resources data is held entirely within the image." ^ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor onByteArray: self byteArray! byteArray "Private - Answer a ByteArray of the contents of the receivers file." | stream | stream := self readStream. ^[stream contents] ensure: [stream close]! copy "Private - Answer a copy of the receiver suitable for putting on the ResourcManager clipboard." ^self asInternalAccessor! fileName "Private - Answer the receiver's fileName inst var to aString. This is the name of the STB file from which the receiver will load instances of the resource." ^fileName! fileName: aString "Private - Set the receiver's fileName inst var to aString. This is the name of the STB file from which the receiver will load instances of the resource." fileName := aString! isInternalAccessor "Answer true if the receiver denotes a resource that is held internal to the image" ^false! makeByteArrayClass: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it." self become: self asInternalAccessor! makeFile: aString class: aResourceClass usingContext: context "Private - Mutate the receiver to a ResourceSTBFileAccessor using the context to load the resource (if required), and the resources class aResourceClass to resave it into an STB file named aString." ! readStream ^FileStream read: fileName text: false! save: anObject as: aResourceClass "Save out anObject in the format dictated by aResourceClass." | stream | stream := FileStream write: fileName text: false. [self save: anObject as: aResourceClass on: stream] ensure: [stream close]! stbSaveOn: anSTBOutFiler "Output the receiver to anSTBOutFiler. If anSTBOutFiler has a non-nil context we assume this to be a Boolean that identifies whether resources should be saved as a single file. If so, we store the receivers resource file data inline, and regenerate the file on load. Also, the proxy is required so that we can propagate the codebase of the loading STBInFiler into the reconstituted accessor thus allowing us to resolve remote class references within a resource." | singleFile proxy | singleFile := anSTBOutFiler context. proxy := (singleFile notNil and: [singleFile]) ifTrue: [STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy withEmbeddedFile: self] ifFalse: [STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy withExternalFile: self]. anSTBOutFiler saveObject: self as: proxy! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #asInternalAccessor!converting!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #byteArray!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #copy!copying!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #fileName!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #fileName:!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #isInternalAccessor!public!testing! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #makeByteArrayClass:usingContext:!mutating!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #makeFile:class:usingContext:!mutating!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #readStream!accessing!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #save:as:!operations!public! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor categoriesFor: #stbSaveOn:!binary filing!public! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor class methodsFor! onFileName: aString "Answer a new instance of the receiver capable of loading instances of the contents of the STB file named aString." ^self new fileName: aString; yourself! stbConvertFromVersion1: version1Array "Private - Convert version1Array to version 2 format and answer the new Array. instVarAt: Version 1 Version 0 ---------- --------- --------- 1 flags flags 2 classLocator fileName 3 fileName" ^Array with: (version1Array at: 1) with: ClassLocator new with: (version1Array at: 2)! stbVersion "Answer the current binary filer version number for instances of the receiver." ^2! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor class categoriesFor: #onFileName:!instance creation!public! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFromVersion1:!binary filing!private! ! !ResourceSTBFileAccessor class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!binary filing!public! ! STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6F0-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy comment: ''! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy categoriesForClass!System-Binary storage! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy methodsFor! bytes: aByteArray "Private - Set the receiver's bytes inst var to a ByteArray." bytes := aByteArray! stbFixup: inFiler at: anInteger "Answer the object that this one represents. We propagate the codebase of the loading STBInFiler into the reconstituted accessor so that it can resolve any remote class references within its resource data." | accessor classLocator | classLocator := inFiler classLocator copyWithCodeBase. (accessor := ResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor onByteArray: bytes) classLocator: classLocator. self become: accessor! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy categoriesFor: #bytes:!accessing!private! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy categoriesFor: #stbFixup:at:!converting!public! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy class methodsFor! for: aResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor #deprecated. ^self forAccessor: aResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor! forAccessor: aResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor "Answer a new initialized instance of the receiver encoding aResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor. This proxy allows us the opportunity to set up the accessor's classLocator to that held by the STBInFiler used to load it. This then enables the STBInFiler to generate a ClassStub for any remote class references embedded in the STB." ^self basicNew bytes: aResourceSTBByteArrayAccessor byteArray; yourself! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy class categoriesFor: #for:!instance creation!public! ! !STBResourceSTBByteArrayAccessorProxy class categoriesFor: #forAccessor:!instance creation!public! ! STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy guid: (GUID fromString: '{87B4C6F1-026E-11D3-9FD7-00A0CC3E4A32}')! STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy comment: ''! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy categoriesForClass!System-Binary storage! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy methodsFor! bytes: aByteArray "Private - Set the receiver's bytes inst var to a ByteArray." bytes := aByteArray! fileName: aString "Private - Set the receiver's fileName inst var to aString." fileName := aString! stbFixup: inFiler at: anInteger "Answer the object that this one represents. If the receiver's bytes inst var is non-nil then we create a new file containing this data - the contents of the original ResourceSTBFileAccesor file. Also, we propagate the codebase of the loading STBInFiler into the reconstituted accessor so that it can resolve any remote class references within its resource STB data." | accessor classLocator | bytes notNil ifTrue: [| stream | stream := FileStream write: fileName text: false. [stream nextPutAll: bytes] ensure: [stream close]]. classLocator := inFiler classLocator copyWithCodeBase. (accessor := ResourceSTBFileAccessor onFileName: fileName) classLocator: classLocator. self become: accessor! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy categoriesFor: #bytes:!accessing!private! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy categoriesFor: #fileName:!accessing!private! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy categoriesFor: #stbFixup:at:!converting!public! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy class methodsFor! withEmbeddedFile: aResourceSTBFileAccessor "Answer a new instance of the receiver with the contents of aResourceSTBFileAccessor's file embedded in its bytes inst var." ^self basicNew fileName: aResourceSTBFileAccessor fileName; bytes: aResourceSTBFileAccessor byteArray; yourself! withExternalFile: aResourceSTBFileAccessor "Answer a new instance of the receiver containing the aResourceSTBFileAccessor's file name only, leaving its bytes inst var nil." ^self basicNew fileName: aResourceSTBFileAccessor fileName; yourself! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy class categoriesFor: #withEmbeddedFile:!instance creation!public! ! !STBResourceSTBFileAccessorProxy class categoriesFor: #withExternalFile:!instance creation!public! ! "Binary Globals"! ===Cuthere |
Andy, thank for reply!
> In the meantime you could try saving the following as "Dolphin Legacy > Resource Framework.pac" and loading it into your DCE image before > attempting to load your D5 package. It has helped ! The package was loaded without problems ! Thanks! |
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