for some reason, i am having a hard time installing gemtools. i pulled
the latest image for the pharo website, and install gemtools from the metarepo, and get the following .. i seem to remember having the same issues when trying to install from the command line earlier.. any ideas? thanks! 8 September 2012 1:17:49.02 pm VM: Mac OS - intel - 1081 - CoInterpreter VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.161 uuid: 8e0c22c3-b48d-4d8d-a7f9-8a75dc246f28 Jul 18 2012, StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.161 uuid: 8e0c22c3-b48d-4d8d-a7f9-8a75dc246f28 Jul 18 2012, Commit: 5151310c41b08f55b70e9c6250711cb1f3672ce7 Date: 2012-07-18 14:06:15 +0200 By: Camillo Bruni <[hidden email]> Image: Pharo1.4 [Latest update: #14457] MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>version: Receiver: ConfigurationOfGemTools(1.0-beta.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfGemTools], 1.0-beta.0 [Configu...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aVersionString: #stable vrsn: nil symbolicVersionString: #notDefined Receiver's instance variables: versionMap: a Dictionary('1.0-beta.0'->1.0-beta.0 [ConfigurationOfGemTools] '1....etc... symbolicVersionMap: a Dictionary(#bleedingEdge->'1.0-beta.8.5-baseline' #develo...etc... loader: nil loaderClass: MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader loadType: #linear configuration: a ConfigurationOfGemTools projectAttributes: #(#'pharo1.0Beta' #'GemToolsForPharo1.1') MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>stableVersion Receiver: ConfigurationOfGemTools(1.0-beta.0-baseline [ConfigurationOfGemTools], 1.0-beta.0 [Configu...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: versionMap: a Dictionary('1.0-beta.0'->1.0-beta.0 [ConfigurationOfGemTools] '1....etc... symbolicVersionMap: a Dictionary(#bleedingEdge->'1.0-beta.8.5-baseline' #develo...etc... loader: nil loaderClass: MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader loadType: #linear configuration: a ConfigurationOfGemTools projectAttributes: #(#'pharo1.0Beta' #'GemToolsForPharo1.1') MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadConfigurationWithStable: Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: loadStable: true configName: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools' Receiver's instance variables: window: a StandardWindow(898367488) selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) selectedRepository: '' MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: window: a StandardWindow(898367488) selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) selectedRepository: '' MetacelloConfigurationBrowser(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser Arguments and temporary variables: selector: #loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration otherTarget: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) Receiver's instance variables: window: a StandardWindow(898367488) selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) selectedRepository: '' [| selArgCount | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [target perform: selector] ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments] ifFalse: [target perform: selector withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]]. self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] selArgCount: 2 Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil BlockClosure>>ensure: Receiver: [| selArgCount | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [target perform: selector...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [oldcursor show] complete: nil returnValue: nil Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: startpc: 160 numArgs: 0 CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: Receiver: ((CursorWithMask extent: (16@16) depth: 1 fromArray: #( 2r0 2r100000000000000000000...etc... Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [| selArgCount | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [targe...etc... oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask extent: (16@16) depth: 1 fromArray: #( 2r0 2...etc... Receiver's instance variables: bits: a Bitmap of length 16 width: 16 height: 16 depth: 1 offset: (-1@ -1) maskForm: Form(16x16x1) ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: Receiver: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Arguments and temporary variables: anObject: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable versio...etc... Receiver's instance variables: timeStamp: 1396380 source: a HandMorph(843055104) windowIndex: nil type: #mouseUp buttons: 0 position: (226@239) handler: nil wasHandled: true whichButton: 4 ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)...etc... localEvt: nil index: 1 child: nil morphs: #() inside: true Receiver's instance variables: lastType: #mouseUp lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)...etc... Receiver's instance variables: lastType: #mouseUp lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)' Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) submorphs: #() fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) color: Color black extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) emphasis: 0 contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' hasFocus: false isEnabled: true subMenu: nil isSelected: false target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selector: #perform:orSendTo: arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... icon: nil getStateSelector: nil enablementSelector: nil keyText: nil MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] aMorph: a MenuMorph(255328256) localEvt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] index: 1 child: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable version)'...etc... morphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable...etc... inside: false Receiver's instance variables: lastType: #mouseUp lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] aMorph: a MenuMorph(255328256) Receiver's instance variables: lastType: #mouseUp lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Sta...etc... fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> (Color r: 0.745...etc... borderWidth: 2 borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable ve...etc... stayUp: false popUpOwner: nil activeSubMenu: nil activatorDockingBar: nil embeddable: nil menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Sta...etc... fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> (Color r: 0.745...etc... borderWidth: 2 borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable ve...etc... stayUp: false popUpOwner: nil activeSubMenu: nil activatorDockingBar: nil embeddable: nil menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent: Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Sta...etc... fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> (Color r: 0.745...etc... borderWidth: 2 borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration (Stable ve...etc... stayUp: false popUpOwner: nil activeSubMenu: nil activatorDockingBar: nil embeddable: nil menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil BlockClosure>>on:do: Receiver: [aBlock value] Arguments and temporary variables: exception: Error handlerAction: [:ex | ActiveWorld := priorWorld. ActiveEvent := priorEvent. ...etc... handlerActive: false Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: startpc: 67 numArgs: 0 PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder ...etc... priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104) priorEvent: [(226@239) mouseOver red nil nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] result: #(nil) Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] result: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>handleEvent: Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] ofs: nil Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 HandMorph>>processEvents Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) Arguments and temporary variables: evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] evtBuf: #(1 1396380 226 239 0 0 0 1) type: 1 hadAny: false Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] submorphs: #() fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) color: Color blue extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] mouseFocus: nil keyboardFocus: nil eventListeners: nil mouseListeners: nil keyboardListeners: nil mouseClickState: nil mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder cacheCanvas: nil cachedCanvasHasHoles: true temporaryCursor: nil temporaryCursorOffset: nil hardwareCursor: nil hasChanged: true savedPatch: nil lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) lastKeyScanCode: 126 combinedChar: nil eventSource: nil lastSystemEvent: nil captureBlock: nil recentModifiers: 0 [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: h: a HandMorph(843055104) Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... lastStepTime: 1429089 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 1429109 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 1429089 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] index: 1 indexLimiT: 1 Receiver's instance variables: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) WorldState>>handsDo: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aBlock: [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... lastStepTime: 1429089 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 1429109 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 1429089 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... lastStepTime: 1429089 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 1429109 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 1429089 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: Receiver: a WorldState Arguments and temporary variables: aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Receiver's instance variables: hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... lastStepTime: 1429089 lastStepMessage: nil lastCycleTime: 1429109 alarms: a Heap() lastAlarmTime: 1429089 menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) owner: nil submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... fullBounds: nil color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an EventHandler] [othe...etc... borderWidth: 0 borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) backgroundMorph: nil worldState: a WorldState griddingOn: nil [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess Receiver: a MorphicUIManager Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: interactiveParser: nil [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess Receiver: [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] Arguments and temporary variables: Receiver's instance variables: outerContext: MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess startpc: 57 numArgs: 0 --- The full stack --- MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>version: MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>stableVersion MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadConfigurationWithStable: MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration MetacelloConfigurationBrowser(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: [| selArgCount | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 ifTrue: [target perform: selector] ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments] ifFalse: [target perform: selector withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]]. self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: BlockClosure>>ensure: CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp: MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent: [ActiveHand := self. ActiveEvent := anEvent. result := focusHolder handleFocusEvent: (anEvent transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: BlockClosure>>on:do: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: HandMorph>>handleEvent: HandMorph>>processEvents [:h | ActiveHand := h. h processEvents. ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: WorldState>>handsDo: WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle [[World doOneCycle. Processor yield. false] whileFalse. nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess [self value. Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess -- ---- peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary |
Because of VM issue and OmniBrowser changes, the latest Pharo image that works with GemTools is 1.1.1:( and you need to use a pretty old vm[1] as well. There are one-click GemTools images available for download[2]. With the support of OB waning, it's probably not worth additional investment in OB. Addressing the GemTools issue is on the list of things to do so until then Pharo1.1.1 is your best bet. BTW, I tend to feel that doing Pharo/GemStone development in separate images is good idea anyway ... it is too easy to loose track of which environment you are coding in otherwise. So you can still use a recent version of Pharo as your primary development environment... Dale [1] [2] ----- Original Message ----- | From: "sergio_101" <[hidden email]> | To: "A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome" <[hidden email]> | Sent: Saturday, September 8, 2012 10:36:48 AM | Subject: [Pharo-users] problems installing gemtools | | for some reason, i am having a hard time installing gemtools. i | pulled | the latest image for the pharo website, and install gemtools from the | metarepo, and get the following .. | | i seem to remember having the same issues when trying to install from | the command line earlier.. | | any ideas? | | thanks! | | 8 September 2012 1:17:49.02 pm | | VM: Mac OS - intel - 1081 - CoInterpreter | VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.161 uuid: | 8e0c22c3-b48d-4d8d-a7f9-8a75dc246f28 Jul 18 2012, | StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker-oscog-EstebanLorenzano.161 uuid: | 8e0c22c3-b48d-4d8d-a7f9-8a75dc246f28 Jul 18 2012, | Commit: | 5151310c41b08f55b70e9c6250711cb1f3672ce7 Date: 2012-07-18 14:06:15 | +0200 By: Camillo Bruni <[hidden email]> | Image: Pharo1.4 [Latest update: #14457] | | MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>version: | Receiver: ConfigurationOfGemTools(1.0-beta.0-baseline | [ConfigurationOfGemTools], 1.0-beta.0 [Configu...etc... | Arguments and temporary variables: | aVersionString: #stable | vrsn: nil | symbolicVersionString: #notDefined | Receiver's instance variables: | versionMap: a Dictionary('1.0-beta.0'->1.0-beta.0 | [ConfigurationOfGemTools] '1....etc... | symbolicVersionMap: a | Dictionary(#bleedingEdge->'1.0-beta.8.5-baseline' #develo...etc... | loader: nil | loaderClass: MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader | loadType: #linear | configuration: a ConfigurationOfGemTools | projectAttributes: #(#'pharo1.0Beta' #'GemToolsForPharo1.1') | | MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>stableVersion | Receiver: ConfigurationOfGemTools(1.0-beta.0-baseline | [ConfigurationOfGemTools], 1.0-beta.0 [Configu...etc... | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | versionMap: a Dictionary('1.0-beta.0'->1.0-beta.0 | [ConfigurationOfGemTools] '1....etc... | symbolicVersionMap: a | Dictionary(#bleedingEdge->'1.0-beta.8.5-baseline' #develo...etc... | loader: nil | loaderClass: MetacelloLoadingMCSpecLoader | loadType: #linear | configuration: a ConfigurationOfGemTools | projectAttributes: #(#'pharo1.0Beta' #'GemToolsForPharo1.1') | | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadConfigurationWithStable: | Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | loadStable: true | configName: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools' | Receiver's instance variables: | window: a StandardWindow(898367488) | selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' | trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) | untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) | selectedRepository: | '' | | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration | Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | window: a StandardWindow(898367488) | selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' | trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) | untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) | selectedRepository: | '' | | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: | Receiver: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | Arguments and temporary variables: | selector: #loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration | otherTarget: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) | Receiver's instance variables: | window: a StandardWindow(898367488) | selectedConfiguration: 'ConfigurationOfGemTools-dkh.151' | trustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(619184128) | untrustedTree: a PluggableTreeMorph(61341696) | selectedRepository: | '' | | [| selArgCount | | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 | ifTrue: [target perform: selector] | ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size | ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments] | ifFalse: [target | perform: selector | withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]]. | self changed] in | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | selArgCount: 2 | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | BlockClosure>>ensure: | Receiver: [| selArgCount | | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 | ifTrue: [target perform: selector...etc... | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [oldcursor show] | complete: nil | returnValue: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | outerContext: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: | startpc: 160 | numArgs: 0 | | CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: | Receiver: ((CursorWithMask | extent: (16@16) | depth: 1 | fromArray: #( | 2r0 | 2r100000000000000000000...etc... | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [| selArgCount | | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 | ifTrue: [targe...etc... | oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask | extent: (16@16) | depth: 1 | fromArray: #( | 2r0 | 2...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | bits: a Bitmap of length 16 | width: 16 | height: 16 | depth: 1 | offset: (-1@ -1) | maskForm: Form(16x16x1) | | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: | Receiver: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Arguments and temporary variables: | anObject: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable versio...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | timeStamp: 1396380 | source: a HandMorph(843055104) | windowIndex: nil | type: #mouseUp | buttons: 0 | position: (226@239) | handler: nil | wasHandled: true | whichButton: 4 | | ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: | Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)...etc... | localEvt: nil | index: 1 | child: nil | morphs: #() | inside: true | Receiver's instance variables: | lastType: #mouseUp | lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: | | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: | Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | lastType: #mouseUp | lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: | | ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: | Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)' | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | owner: a MenuMorph(255328256) | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (219.0@236.0) corner: (448.0@250.0) | color: Color black | extension: a MorphExtension (666370048) | font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14) | emphasis: 0 | contents: 'Install configuration (Stable version)' | hasFocus: false | isEnabled: true | subMenu: nil | isSelected: false | target: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selector: #perform:orSendTo: | arguments: an Array(#loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration a | PluggableTreeMorph(6...etc... | icon: nil | getStateSelector: nil | enablementSelector: nil | keyText: nil | | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: | Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | aMorph: a MenuMorph(255328256) | localEvt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | index: 1 | child: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install configuration | (Stable version)'...etc... | morphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Stable...etc... | inside: false | Receiver's instance variables: | lastType: #mouseUp | lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: | | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: | Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | aMorph: a MenuMorph(255328256) | Receiver's instance variables: | lastType: #mouseUp | lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with: | | MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: | Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Sta...etc... | fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) | extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> | (Color r: 0.745...etc... | borderWidth: 2 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) | defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Stable ve...etc... | stayUp: false | popUpOwner: nil | activeSubMenu: nil | activatorDockingBar: nil | embeddable: nil | menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a | ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... | | MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: | Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Sta...etc... | fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) | extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> | (Color r: 0.745...etc... | borderWidth: 2 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) | defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Stable ve...etc... | stayUp: false | popUpOwner: nil | activeSubMenu: nil | activatorDockingBar: nil | embeddable: nil | menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a | ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... | | MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent: | Receiver: a MenuMorph(255328256) | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Sta...etc... | fullBounds: (214.0@231.0) corner: (453.0@288.0) | color: (Color r: 0.848 g: 0.848 b: 0.848) | extension: a MorphExtension (270270464) [other: (basicColor -> | (Color r: 0.745...etc... | borderWidth: 2 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.595 g: 0.595 b: 0.595) | defaultTarget: a MetacelloConfigurationBrowser | selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install | configuration (Stable ve...etc... | stayUp: false | popUpOwner: nil | activeSubMenu: nil | activatorDockingBar: nil | embeddable: nil | menuItems: an OrderedCollection(a | ToggleMenuItemMorph(656146432)'Install config...etc... | | [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | handleFocusEvent: (anEvent | transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) | result: #(nil) | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | ...etc... | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | BlockClosure>>on:do: | Receiver: [aBlock value] | Arguments and temporary variables: | exception: Error | handlerAction: [:ex | | ActiveWorld := priorWorld. | ActiveEvent := priorEvent. | ...etc... | handlerActive: false | Receiver's instance variables: | outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | startpc: 67 | numArgs: 0 | | PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | ...etc... | priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104) | priorEvent: [(226@239) mouseOver red nil nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) | aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] | w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | result: #(nil) | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | focusHolder: a MenuMorph(255328256) | aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil] | result: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>handleEvent: | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | anEvent: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | ofs: nil | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | HandMorph>>processEvents | Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104) | Arguments and temporary variables: | evt: [(226@239) mouseUp 1396380 nil] | evtBuf: #(1 1396380 226 239 0 0 0 1) | type: 1 | hadAny: false | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | submorphs: #() | fullBounds: (362@507) corner: (378@523) | color: Color blue | extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] | mouseFocus: nil | keyboardFocus: nil | eventListeners: nil | mouseListeners: nil | keyboardListeners: nil | mouseClickState: nil | mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler | lastMouseEvent: [(362@507) mouseUp 1429107 nil] | targetOffset: (78.0@12.0) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | cacheCanvas: nil | cachedCanvasHasHoles: true | temporaryCursor: nil | temporaryCursorOffset: nil | hardwareCursor: nil | hasChanged: true | savedPatch: nil | lastEventBuffer: #(1 1429107 362 507 0 0 0 1) | lastKeyScanCode: 126 | combinedChar: nil | eventSource: nil | lastSystemEvent: nil | captureBlock: nil | recentModifiers: 0 | | [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | h: a HandMorph(843055104) | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an | OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... | lastStepTime: 1429089 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 1429109 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 1429089 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] | index: 1 | indexLimiT: 1 | Receiver's instance variables: | an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | | WorldState>>handsDo: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aBlock: [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an | OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... | lastStepTime: 1429089 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 1429109 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 1429089 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an | OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... | lastStepTime: 1429089 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 1429109 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 1429089 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: | Receiver: a WorldState | Arguments and temporary variables: | aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Receiver's instance variables: | hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104)) | viewBox: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | canvas: a FormCanvas on: DisplayScreen(976x662x32) | damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder | stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an | OverflowRowMorph(889192448))(an Ove...etc... | lastStepTime: 1429089 | lastStepMessage: nil | lastCycleTime: 1429109 | alarms: a Heap() | lastAlarmTime: 1429089 | menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder ( nil ) | | PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle | Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world] | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | bounds: (0@0) corner: (976@662) | owner: nil | submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a | SystemWindow(240910336) a Stand...etc... | fullBounds: nil | color: (Color r: 0.97 g: 0.98 b: 1.0) | extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an | EventHandler] [othe...etc... | borderWidth: 0 | borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0) | backgroundMorph: nil | worldState: a WorldState | griddingOn: nil | | [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | Receiver: a MorphicUIManager | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | interactiveParser: nil | | [self value. | Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess | Receiver: [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] | Arguments and temporary variables: | | Receiver's instance variables: | outerContext: MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | startpc: 57 | numArgs: 0 | | | --- The full stack --- | MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>version: | MetacelloMCProject(MetacelloProject)>>stableVersion | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadConfigurationWithStable: | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser>>loadStableFromSelectedConfiguration | MetacelloConfigurationBrowser(Object)>>perform:orSendTo: | [| selArgCount | | (selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0 | ifTrue: [target perform: selector] | ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size | ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments] | ifFalse: [target | perform: selector | withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]]. | self changed] in | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: | BlockClosure>>ensure: | CursorWithMask(Cursor)>>showWhile: | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent: | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>mouseUp: | ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>handleMouseUp: | MouseButtonEvent>>sentTo: | ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>handleEvent: | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: | ToggleMenuItemMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchDefault:with: | MorphicEventDispatcher>>dispatchEvent:with: | MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent:using: | MenuMorph(Morph)>>processEvent: | MenuMorph>>handleFocusEvent: | [ActiveHand := self. | ActiveEvent := anEvent. | result := focusHolder | handleFocusEvent: (anEvent | transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | [aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | BlockClosure>>on:do: | PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring: | HandMorph>>sendFocusEvent:to:clear: | HandMorph>>sendEvent:focus:clear: | HandMorph>>sendMouseEvent: | HandMorph>>handleEvent: | HandMorph>>processEvents | [:h | | ActiveHand := h. | h processEvents. | ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | Array(SequenceableCollection)>>do: | WorldState>>handsDo: | WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor: | WorldState>>doOneCycleFor: | PasteUpMorph>>doOneCycle | [[World doOneCycle. | Processor yield. | false] whileFalse. | nil] in MorphicUIManager>>spawnNewProcess | [self value. | Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess | | -- | ---- | peace, | sergio | photographer, journalist, visionary | | | | | | | | | |
On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Sergio, > > Because of VM issue and OmniBrowser changes, the latest Pharo image that works with GemTools is 1.1.1:( and you need to use a pretty old vm[1] as well. thanks, dale.. how about a quick sanity check.. here's what i have set up.. pharo 1.4 developing my app in seaside 3.0... once i have my app working... grab a gemtools image to talk to my deployed gemstone server. i am going to guess that at this point, i will not need gemstone installed on my local machine.. ever.. the image with gemtools on it will handle grabbing the latest code, and deploying it to the gemstone server.. the app will just run on its merry way, being updated live.. does this sound reasonable? i guess my real question is.. should i absolutely not concern myself with gemtools until the app is ready to deploy? thanks! -- ---- peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary |
----- Original Message ----- | From: "sergio_101" <[hidden email]> | To: "A friendly place where any question about pharo is welcome" <[hidden email]> | Sent: Sunday, September 9, 2012 9:48:14 AM | Subject: Re: [Pharo-users] problems installing gemtools | | On Sun, Sep 9, 2012 at 9:37 AM, Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]> | wrote: | > Sergio, | > | > Because of VM issue and OmniBrowser changes, the latest Pharo image | > that works with GemTools is 1.1.1:( and you need to use a pretty | > old vm[1] as well. | | thanks, dale.. | | how about a quick sanity check.. here's what i have set up.. | | pharo 1.4 developing my app in seaside 3.0... | | once i have my app working... | | grab a gemtools image to talk to my deployed gemstone server. i am | going to guess that at this point, i will not need gemstone installed | on my local machine.. ever.. the image with gemtools on it will | handle | grabbing the latest code, and deploying it to the gemstone server.. | | the app will just run on its merry way, being updated live.. | | does this sound reasonable? I have one caveat for working with GemStone and that is that you should have a staging/development sandbox for GemStone in addition to your production system. Ideally the sandbox is a pretty close clone of your production environment presumably runnable as a virtual machine within your development environment. Before deploying into production you should deploy onto your sandbox and run your unit tests against the deployed GemStone system ... you can make periodic backups of your production environment and restore them in your sandbox, so that the sandbox tracks your production environment pretty closely. GemTools over the WAN can try your patience, so you will want to do most of your GemStone development work against the local sandbox... For production deployment you should probably consider using topaz (the REPL for GemStone) and use the sandbox to develop/debug your update scripts. | | i guess my real question is.. | | should i absolutely not concern myself with gemtools until the app is | ready to deploy? For some definition of "ready to deploy", yes. Once you have some reasonable prototypes of your system running in Pharo, it is worth spending the time getting the GemStone environment(s) set up and "port" your app to GemStone and then get the build/update/test process worked out ... You don't want to save up any surprises that might be there until the last moment:) Dale | | thanks! | | | -- | ---- | peace, | sergio | photographer, journalist, visionary | | | | | | | | | |
> I have one caveat for working with GemStone and that is that you should have a staging/development sandbox for GemStone in addition to your production system. Ideally the sandbox got it.. i already have gemstones working on my local machine.. so i should be golden.. > For production deployment you should probably consider using topaz (the REPL for GemStone) and use the sandbox to develop/debug your update scripts. > gotcha.. thanks! -- ---- peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary |
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