> I just received Dolphin Companion. Nice book.
> I trying something that takes some time to compute and want to make sure
> that the process doesn't eat all the processor time.
> In Delphi there a command "processMessages" (or something like that).
> Is there an equivalent in Dolphin?
Generally you'd use something like
"Time-consuming code here"
] forkAt:Processory userBackgroundPriority
There are a few cautions though: external calls will block all of Dolphin
unless they are made with the "overlap" keyword, which runs them on a
separate OS thread. You might also want to introduce a delay between
iterations in a tight loop. Whether using Dolphin's "lightweight" threads
or at the OS level, multi-threaded programming introduces new challenges
that deserve respsect. The Wiki has some information
http://www.object-arts.com/wiki/html/Dolphin/MultipleThreads.htmHave a good one,
Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]