questionable questionable code critic

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questionable questionable code critic

Peter Uhnak
Why does CodeCritic (QualityAssistant) considers this questionable

canBeTargetFor: aController
^ aController isKindOf: DMNodeController

and yet this seems fine to him

canBeTargetFor: aController
^ aController class = DMNodeController

shouldn't it be the same?

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Re: questionable questionable code critic

Clément Béra
Code critics relies on simple rules, such as the use of the selector #isKindOf: .

It does not detect the second case because the rule is simple, though both are questionable.


2015-04-24 18:24 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]>:
Why does CodeCritic (QualityAssistant) considers this questionable

canBeTargetFor: aController
^ aController isKindOf: DMNodeController

and yet this seems fine to him

canBeTargetFor: aController
^ aController class = DMNodeController

shouldn't it be the same?
