could anyone point me where I could quickly obtain urlEncode function? (I know I could hack my own, but first I would need to find exact definiton, and so on) rush -- http://www.templatetamer.com/ http://www.folderscavenger.com/ |
> could anyone point me where I could quickly obtain urlEncode function? (I > know I could hack my own, but first I would need to find exact definiton, > and so on) If you're using Steve Waring's stuff then I think that SptHTTPUrl class>>canonicalsize: and #uncanonicalize: do URL encoding and decoding. The decoding actually delegates to the builtin (in D5) String>>unescapePercents. Package 'SW HTTPClient Support'. The space handling might not be what you want (spaces in URLs can get encoded as '%20' or '+' according to context). What it does is sensible: SptHTTPUrl canonicalize: 'Hello there' --> 'Hello%20there' SptHTTPUrl uncanonicalize:'Hello%20there' --> 'Hello there' SptHTTPUrl uncanonicalize:'Hello+there' --> 'Hello there' Note also that the output is not suitable for embedding directly into HTML/XML source text since it (correctly) doesn't change & into & -- chris |
In reply to this post by rush
Hello rush,
See if this helps: | package | package := Package name: 'internet'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: 'General internet'. package methodNames add: #Character -> #isSafeForHTTP; add: #String -> #decodeForHTTP; add: #String -> #encodeForHTTP; yourself. package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). package globalAliases: (Set new yourself). package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself). package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: '..\..\..\..\Documents and Settings\Fernando\Mis documentos\Dolphin Smalltalk 5.1\Object Arts\Dolphin\Base\Dolphin'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! "Global Aliases"! "Loose Methods"! !Character methodsFor! isSafeForHTTP "whether a character is 'safe', or needs to be escaped when used, eg, in a URL" ^ asciiValue < 128 and: [self isAlphaNumeric or: ['.~-_' includes: self]]! ! !Character categoriesFor: #isSafeForHTTP!internet!public! ! !String methodsFor! decodeForHTTP "change each %XY substring to the character with ASCII value XY in hex. This is the opposite of #encodeForHTTP" | ans c asciiVal pos oldPos specialChars | ans:= WriteStream on: String new. oldPos:= 1. specialChars:= '+%'. [pos:= self indexOfAnyOf: specialChars startingAt: oldPos. pos > 0] whileTrue: [ ans nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: oldPos to: pos - 1). c:= self at: pos. c = $+ ifTrue: [ans nextPut: $ ] ifFalse: [ (c = $% and: [pos + 2 <= self size]) ifTrue: [ asciiVal:= (self at: pos+1) asUppercase digitValue * 16 + (self at: pos+2) asUppercase digitValue. pos:= pos + 2. asciiVal > 255 ifTrue: [^self]. "not really an escaped string" ans nextPut: (Character value: asciiVal)] ifFalse: [ans nextPut: c]]. oldPos:= pos+1]. ans nextPutAll: (self copyFrom: oldPos to: self size). ^ ans contents! encodeForHTTP "change dangerous characters to their %XX form, for use in HTTP transactions" | encodedStream | encodedStream := WriteStream on: (String new). self do: [ :c | c isSafeForHTTP ifTrue: [ encodedStream nextPut: c ] ifFalse: [ encodedStream nextPut: $%. encodedStream nextPut: (c asciiValue // 16) asHexDigit. encodedStream nextPut: (c asciiValue \\ 16) asHexDigit. ] ]. ^encodedStream contents. ! ! !String categoriesFor: #decodeForHTTP!internet!public! ! !String categoriesFor: #encodeForHTTP!internet!public! ! "End of package definition"! "Source Globals"! "Classes"! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! > Hello, > > could anyone point me where I could quickly obtain urlEncode function? > (I know I could hack my own, but first I would need to find exact > definiton, and so on) > > rush > -- > http://www.templatetamer.com/ > http://www.folderscavenger.com/ |
"Fernando Rodríguez" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Hello rush, > > See if this helps: thanks to both! rush -- http://www.templatetamer.com/ http://www.folderscavenger.com/ |
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