recent project updates for 3.5.4 and upcoming 3.6.0

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recent project updates for 3.5.4 and upcoming 3.6.0 – The work for 3.6.0 is still ongoing, but if you are planning on upgrading to 3.5.4, you should update your projects to the latest commit as th...
<!doctype html> I tried an update a database from 3.4.0 to 3.5.3 and I did "updateGsDevKit -gctsd"...
It would help if there was a bit more context with the stack ... which version of GemStone were you using? did this error occur after an upgra...
<!doctype html> Hello Dale, the stone is based on Gemstone/S 3.4.0 and I want...
Marten, When you try again and if it fails, please send me the upgradeSeasideImage.out file from the upgradeLogDir in the upgraded stone di...