redraw in ideaspace

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redraw in ideaspace

I've got intermittant redraw problems in the ideaspace when it goes from
a single row of tabs to a multi-row of tabs. Unfortunately I can't get
it to do it persistently so it's hard to reproduce. If it's any help, I
typically have a system browser on the very first tab as my starting
point of navigation. Then from there I open a couple of CHBs selected
from the classes in selected packages in the system browser. In addition
I typically have at least one view composer open. I've made this my main
suspect as so far I've only seen these issues with a VC open in the idea

I've noticed two issues;
* in some cases the second row (the lower of the two) is covered by the
toolbar of the active window (I think I've only seen this with a VC as
the active window)
* in some cases when opening a new CHB by selecting a class from the
system browser, the class tree in the newly opened CHB isn't redrawn
properly. Scrolling up/down shows the class tree outside the originally
(supposedly) visible list with the white gap where the originally
(in)visible classes are. Scrolling up/down past the white gap properly
redraws the list
