Hello Siemen,
to remove a widget adder with #append: or #prepend: you just need to
send to the widget the message #answer:
Here an example taken from one of my apps :
^ [ :e |
e build: self quoiButton.
e build: self emplacementButton.
quoi isNotNil & emplacement isNotNil
ifTrue: [ e build: self createButton ].
e build: self cancelButton ]
| widget |
widget := NUBButtonWidget new.
text: 'Annuler';
action: [ self answer: nil ].
^ widget
MyWidget is added to MyApp with #append.
NUBButtonWidget is just a widget wrapping a link or a form presented
as a button.
When the user click on the button, MyWidget is removed from MyApp.
Le 06/01/20 à 08:53, Siemen Baader a écrit :
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