reopen closed issues (4798)

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reopen closed issues (4798)

Nicolai Hess

if an issue is closed without any comment, what could be the reason?
(This one

Would someone note if I comment on closed issues or are they filtered out?
Can I /or should I reopen issues if they are reproducable.



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Re: reopen closed issues (4798)

Marcus Denker-4

On 06 Dec 2013, at 13:55, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:


if an issue is closed without any comment, what could be the reason?
(This one

Would someone note if I comment on closed issues or are they filtered out?

To me this one looks like a mistake when importing the issues from the old tracker.

Other reasons (but then it is often documented)

-> someone tried to reproduce and could not (e.g. misunderstanding)
-> the issue was open for a looong time and nobody cared (we do that less these days)

Can I /or should I reopen issues if they are reproducible.



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Re: reopen closed issues (4798)

Nicolai Hess
2013/12/6 Marcus Denker <[hidden email]>

On 06 Dec 2013, at 13:55, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:


if an issue is closed without any comment, what could be the reason?
(This one

Would someone note if I comment on closed issues or are they filtered out?

To me this one looks like a mistake when importing the issues from the old tracker.

Other reasons (but then it is often documented)

-> someone tried to reproduce and could not (e.g. misunderstanding)
-> the issue was open for a looong time and nobody cared (we do that less these days)

Can I /or should I reopen issues if they are reproducible.



Oh well, it turns out this issue isn't the same I had. And it seems this issue (4798)
is fixed or not reproducable.

I'll open a new one.

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Re: reopen closed issues (4798)

Stéphane Ducasse
Thanks nicolai
We just received your license agreement :) tx again.


On Dec 6, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:

2013/12/6 Marcus Denker <[hidden email]>

On 06 Dec 2013, at 13:55, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:


if an issue is closed without any comment, what could be the reason?
(This one

Would someone note if I comment on closed issues or are they filtered out?

To me this one looks like a mistake when importing the issues from the old tracker.

Other reasons (but then it is often documented)

-> someone tried to reproduce and could not (e.g. misunderstanding)
-> the issue was open for a looong time and nobody cared (we do that less these days)

Can I /or should I reopen issues if they are reproducible.



Oh well, it turns out this issue isn't the same I had. And it seems this issue (4798)
is fixed or not reproducable.

I'll open a new one.