Hello all...
I couldn't find a method in Dolphin 4.xx that returns the file attributes for a file in a readable manner. Does anyone know if this exists? I believe that I would need to send the allMask: message to the file attributes iterating over a collection of file attribute constants and identifying each one. Something along the lines of: #(FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, etc..) select: [ :each | attributes allMask: each] Is there perhaps a more elegant method? Thanks, Chris |
I didn't find a more elegant method, but I had to contend with this a while back, so I threw some related stuff together into a package (included below as text), which might be helpful. I haven't used this for a while, and I suspect I didn't quite finish it (please forgive any messy or half thought-out code), but it should save some typing at least. Note that the usual caveats apply ("This software is guaranteed unsuitable for any purpose whatsoever." ;-). I'd recommend opening it in a text editor to get an idea of what it does before opening it in your working image. Don #### Copy the stuff below into a text editor and save it as a .PAC file | package | package := Package name: '(File Attributes)'. package paxVersion: 0; basicComment: ''. package basicPackageVersion: ''. "Add the package scripts" package basicScriptAt: #preinstall put: '"Add FILE_ATTRIBUTE_* constants (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL and FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY are already there." (Dictionary new) at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY put: 1; at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN put: 2; at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM put: 4; at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE put: 32; at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL put: 128; at: #FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY put: 256; associationsDo: [:assoc| Win32Constants at: assoc key ifAbsent: [Win32Constants at: assoc key put: assoc value] ]'. "Add the class names, loose method names, global names, resource names" package classNames yourself. package methodNames add: #File -> #beArchive; add: #File -> #beHidden; add: #File -> #beNotArchive; add: #File -> #beNotHidden; add: #File -> #beNotReadOnly; add: #File -> #beReadOnly; add: #File -> #isArchive; add: #File -> #isHidden; add: #File -> #isNormal; add: #File -> #isReadOnly; add: #File -> #isSystem; add: #File -> #isTemporary; add: #FileStream -> #beArchive; add: #FileStream -> #beHidden; add: #FileStream -> #beNotArchive; add: #FileStream -> #beNotHidden; add: #FileStream -> #beNotReadOnly; add: #FileStream -> #beReadOnly; add: #FileStream -> #isArchive; add: #FileStream -> #isHidden; add: #FileStream -> #isReadOnly; add: #FileStream -> #isSystem; add: #KernelLibrary -> #setFileAttributes:attributeBytes:; add: 'File class' -> #clearArchiveAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #clearFileAttribute:for:; add: 'File class' -> #clearHiddenAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #clearReadOnlyAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #clearSystemAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #isArchiveAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #isFileAttribute:setForFile:; add: 'File class' -> #isHiddenAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #isNormalAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #isReadOnlyAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #isSystemAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #isTemporaryAttributeSet:; add: 'File class' -> #setArchiveAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #setFileAttribute:for:; add: 'File class' -> #setHiddenAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #setReadOnlyAttribute:; add: 'File class' -> #setSystemAttribute:; yourself. package globalNames yourself. package resourceNames yourself. "Binary Global Names" package binaryGlobalNames: (Set new yourself). "Resource Names" package allResourceNames: (Set new yourself). "Add the prerequisite names" package setPrerequisites: (IdentitySet new add: 'Dolphin'; yourself). package! "Class Definitions"! "Loose Methods"! !File methodsFor! beArchive self class setArchiveAttribute: spec! beHidden self class setHiddenAttribute: spec! beNotArchive self class clearArchiveAttribute: spec! beNotHidden self class clearHiddenAttribute: spec! beNotReadOnly self class clearReadOnlyAttribute: spec! beReadOnly self class setReadOnlyAttribute: spec! isArchive ^self class isArchiveAttributeSet: spec! isHidden ^self class isHiddenAttributeSet: spec! isNormal ^self class isNormalAttributeSet: spec! isReadOnly ^self class isReadOnlyAttributeSet: spec! isSystem ^self class isSystemAttributeSet: spec! isTemporary ^self class isTemporaryAttributeSet: spec! ! !File categoriesFor: #beArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #beHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #beNotArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #beNotHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #beNotReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #beReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isNormal!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isSystem!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File categoriesFor: #isTemporary!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class methodsFor! clearArchiveAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 32" #drAdded. self clearFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE for: aFilenameString! clearFileAttribute: anIntegerFileAttribute for: aFilenameString | currentAttributes newAttributes | #drAdded. currentAttributes := KernelLibrary default getFileAttributes: aFilenameString. currentAttributes ~= -1 ifTrue: [(currentAttributes allMask: anIntegerFileAttribute) ifTrue: [newAttributes := currentAttributes - anIntegerFileAttribute. KernelLibrary default setFileAttributes: aFilenameString attributeBytes: newAttributes]] ifFalse: [NotFoundError signalWith: ('File ', aFilenameString)]. ! clearHiddenAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 2" #drAdded. self clearFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN for: aFilenameString! clearReadOnlyAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 1" #drAdded. self clearFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY for: aFilenameString! clearSystemAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 4" #drAdded. self clearFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM for: aFilenameString! isArchiveAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE setForFile: aFilenameString! isFileAttribute: anIntegerFileAttribute setForFile: aFilenameString ^(KernelLibrary default getFileAttributes: aFilenameString) allMask: anIntegerFileAttribute! isHiddenAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN setForFile: aFilenameString! isNormalAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL setForFile: aFilenameString! isReadOnlyAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY setForFile: aFilenameString! isSystemAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM setForFile: aFilenameString! isTemporaryAttributeSet: aFilenameString ^self isFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY setForFile: aFilenameString! setArchiveAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE = 32" #drAdded. self setFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE for: aFilenameString! setFileAttribute: anIntegerFileAttribute for: aFilenameString | currentAttributes newAttributes | #drAdded. currentAttributes := KernelLibrary default getFileAttributes: aFilenameString. currentAttributes ~= -1 ifTrue: [newAttributes := currentAttributes bitOr: anIntegerFileAttribute. KernelLibrary default setFileAttributes: aFilenameString attributeBytes: newAttributes.] ifFalse: [NotFoundError signalWith: ('File ', aFilenameString)]. ! setHiddenAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN = 2" #drAdded. self setFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN for: aFilenameString! setReadOnlyAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY = 1" #drAdded. self setFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY for: aFilenameString! setSystemAttribute: aFilenameString "FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM = 4" #drAdded. self setFileAttribute: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM for: aFilenameString! ! !File class categoriesFor: #clearArchiveAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #clearFileAttribute:for:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!private! ! !File class categoriesFor: #clearHiddenAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #clearReadOnlyAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #clearSystemAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isArchiveAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isFileAttribute:setForFile:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!private! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isHiddenAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isNormalAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isReadOnlyAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isSystemAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #isTemporaryAttributeSet:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #setArchiveAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #setFileAttribute:for:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!private! ! !File class categoriesFor: #setHiddenAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #setReadOnlyAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !File class categoriesFor: #setSystemAttribute:!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream methodsFor! beArchive ^file beArchive! beHidden ^file beHidden! beNotArchive ^file beNotArchive! beNotHidden ^file beNotHidden! beNotReadOnly ^file beNotReadOnly! beReadOnly ^file beReadOnly! isArchive ^file isArchive! isHidden ^file isHidden! isReadOnly ^file isReadOnly! isSystem ^file isSystem! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beNotArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beNotHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beNotReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #beReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #isArchive!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #isHidden!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #isReadOnly!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !FileStream categoriesFor: #isSystem!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public! ! !KernelLibrary methodsFor! setFileAttributes: aFileName attributeBytes: anIntegerAttributeBytes "Set attributes for the specified file or directory. Supported attributes are: FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY 1 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN 2 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM 4 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_ARCHIVE 32 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL 128 FILE_ATTRIBUTE_TEMPORARY 256 BOOL SetFileAttributes( LPCTSTR lpFileName // address of the name of a file or directory DWORD dwFileAttributes // attributes );" <stdcall: bool SetFileAttributesA lpstr dword> #drAdded. ^self invalidCall ! ! !KernelLibrary categoriesFor: #setFileAttributes:attributeBytes:!*-primitives!«DR Categories»-Added by DR!public!win32 functions-console! ! "End of package definition"! "Binary Globals"! "Resources"! |
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