In the latest Pharo #50125, I do this from the command line: ./pharo Pharo.image eval "SystemWindow allSubInstances" ==> an OrderedCollection(a RubFindReplaceDialogWindow(534511616) a GLMSystemWindow(58720256)) There are two strange things: - the GLMSystemWindow has a nil model, although if you inspect it, it visually looks like a Playground window (normal playgrounds have a GTPlayground instance as model). - the RubFindReplaceDialogWindow has findTextField as nil (while normally it should be some PluggableTextFieldMorph). Does anyone know where these come from? Cheers, Doru |
Le 21/6/15 19:47, Tudor Girba a écrit :
It may be related to the changes I did that removes the use of this ugly findDeeplyMorphSuchThat: [:e | e isKindOf: PluggbaleTextMorph and: [ e respondsTo: xxxx ] We should ban such methods. Stef |
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
this is strange because it seems that each time I open an inspector I get a new GLMSystemWindow. Are you holding a reference in Playgorund or inspector? I tried to use pointer to but no chance. Stef Le 21/6/15 19:47, Tudor Girba a écrit :
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
Le 21/6/15 19:47, Tudor Girba a écrit :
The RubFindReplaceDialogWindow only get its findTextField when the morph is built. newMainPanel "Answer a new main panel." ^self newDialogPanel addMorphBack: self newContentMorph; ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ addMorphBack: self newButtonRow; yourself newContentMorph ^(self newColumn: { (self newGroupbox: nil for: (self newColumn: { self newFindTextEntryMorph. (self newRow: { (self newColumn: { (self newCheckboxFor: self getSelected: #isRegex setSelected: #isRegex: getEnabled: nil label: 'Regular expression' translated help: nil). (self newCheckboxFor: self getSelected: #caseSensitive setSelected: #caseSensitive: getEnabled: nil label: 'Case sensitive' translated help: nil). (self newCheckboxFor: self getSelected: #entireWordsOnly setSelected: #entireWordsOnly: getEnabled: nil label: 'Entire words only' translated help: nil) } ). (self newColumn: { (self newCheckboxFor: self getSelected: #searchBackwards setSelected: #searchBackwards: getEnabled: nil label: 'Search backwards' translated help: nil). (self newCheckboxFor: self getSelected: #wrapAround setSelected: #wrapAround: getEnabled: nil label: 'Wrap around' translated help: nil) } ) } ) } ) ). (self newLabelGroup: {'Replace with: ' translated -> self newReplaceTextEntryMorph}) vResizing: #shrinkWrap} ) newFindTextEntryMorph | entryCompletion pt | entryCompletion := EntryCompletion new dataSourceBlock: [:currText | self prevFinds ]; filterBlock: [:currApplicant :currText | currText size = 0 or: [currApplicant asUppercase includesSubstring: currText asString asUppercase]]. pt := (self newAutoAcceptTextEntryFor: self get: #findText set: #findText: class: String getEnabled: nil help: 'Enter the text to find' translated entryCompletion: entryCompletion) acceptOnCR: false; ghostText: 'Text to find'; withDropListButton; crAction: [:t | self find]; yourself. pt textMorph autoFit: true; wrapFlag: false; margins: (2@1 corner: 2@1). textFieldMorph := pt. ^ pt We could initialize and set the variable to the "pt" and avoid to have to do it in the newFindTextEntryMorph but I do not see what we would gain.
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
Doru I checked and I think that we have a memory leak with
I checked and we have the same in Pharo 40. In Pharo 50 after many Smalltalk garbageCollectMost I get 5 windows. when I get only one open. Le 21/6/15 19:47, Tudor Girba a écrit :
Le 24/6/15 21:44, stepharo a écrit :
Doru I checked and I think that we have a memory leak with SystemWindowI was in Pharo 40 in fact. when I get only one open. |
Hi, Thanks for looking into this. I will go over this issue again on Monday. Cheers, Doru On Thu, Jun 25, 2015 at 6:53 AM, stepharo <[hidden email]> wrote:
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