Dear Seasiders,
I'm cooking up some seaside/code recipes as an exercise and hopefully
for (web)publication some day, i have the following question;
Q. How do i run code asynchronously (inside the request/response
cycle) ?
A. My answer at this point is the following using a [block] fork.
as described in Smalltalk by example from alex sharp:
01 renderContentOn: html
02 html paragraph: Time now asTimeStamp.
03 [Transcript cr; show: 'waiting for 10 seconds...'.
04 (Delay forSeconds: 10) wait.
05 Transcript cr; show: 'done!...'] fork.
06 html paragraph: Time now asTimeStamp.
Could somebody confirm this? and give additional comments if this is
not the true seaside way?
Thanks in advance!
Redmar Kerkhoff
seaside mailing list
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