same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

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same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

Diaz Cortez
hi all

I am seeing an intermittent problem with D5.1

the symptoms are:
Dolhpin becomes not responsive, and the panic button
many times doesn't work ( one work around is to save
image and exit immediately, next  time  panic
works).if you panic the image Dolphin doesn't come
back any more.
My Application works with many processes and  i'
notice process with low prority freeze , one way to
make Dolphin responsive is to push many times refresh
button of ProcessViewer.
if you have many process or ProgressDialogs and one
halt or error ocurrs , you  are in trouble.

Recently i'found that ProcessViewer name column has
methodContext in place to strings .
I beleve this use may be source of gc problems , the
compiledMethod knows other objects classes , constants
I know the comment into the name methods warns  of
this use but ....
I'm using WIN98  and my client's can't migrate to
win2000 or others, is win98  cause of these problems?.

any ligth be appreciate
  Best regards
  Marcelo Diaz Cortez

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RE: same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

Diaz Cortez
Hi all

of thread  Re: Win98/idle
>...Being intermittent, I cant be
> 100% sure, but I have tried over 50 times to reproduce it on
> D5.1+1249+1272

where is patch 1249 ? ,the link doesn't work .
Best Regards
Marcelo Diaz Cortez

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Re: same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

Andy Bower

> of thread  Re: Win98/idle
> >...Being intermittent, I cant be
> > 100% sure, but I have tried over 50 times to reproduce it on
> > D5.1+1249+1272
> where is patch 1249 ? ,the link doesn't work .

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

Blair McGlashan
In reply to this post by Diaz Cortez

You wrote in message news:bb08ci$3ut0j$[hidden email]...

> hi all
> I am seeing an intermittent problem with D5.1
> the symptoms are:
> Dolhpin becomes not responsive, and the panic button
> many times doesn't work ( one work around is to save
> image and exit immediately, next  time  panic
> works).if you panic the image Dolphin doesn't come
> back any more.
> My Application works with many processes and  i'
> notice process with low prority freeze , ...

This sounds like the Win98 idle issue that Steve Waring reported. Judging
from your subsequent posting it seems that you may already have realised
this, so please try the 1249 and 1272 patches. It would be nice to know if
these correct the problem for you, and if not please report back.



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RE: same thing is wrong in DP5.1 , but i don't know what may be process..

Diaz Cortez

ok i try with this patch's  file's  and seems to work's fine.
thanks a lot.

Best regards

Marcelo Diaz Cortez.

Blair McGlashan <[hidden email]> escribió en el mensaje de noticias
bb4k7m$5lcaa$[hidden email]...

> Diaz
> You wrote in message news:bb08ci$3ut0j$[hidden email]...
> > hi all
> >
> > I am seeing an intermittent problem with D5.1
> >
> > the symptoms are:
> > Dolhpin becomes not responsive, and the panic button
> > many times doesn't work ( one work around is to save
> > image and exit immediately, next  time  panic
> > works).if you panic the image Dolphin doesn't come
> > back any more.
> > My Application works with many processes and  i'
> > notice process with low prority freeze , ...
> This sounds like the Win98 idle issue that Steve Waring reported. Judging
> from your subsequent posting it seems that you may already have realised
> this, so please try the 1249 and 1272 patches. It would be nice to know if
> these correct the problem for you, and if not please report back.
> Regards
> Blair