Ah, well the interesting side effect. is with wikiserver if you tap
apply then tap save we end up marking the
PRPage as being dirty then our auto-save feature kicks in at some
point. However the save occasionally fails because there is an
WAAnswerHandler instance that is servicing the other apply or save
that is in progress.
I guess I''ll change things so that we only allow the save/cancel
because I've had folks think they have to do apply then save, or
confused why there
is apply & save.
On 27-Jun-09, at 2:21 AM, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>> But I'm wondering why save, versus apply. What's the thought
>> behind 'Apply"
>> versus just having the
>> save, cancel.
> Apply performs the current edit operation, but does not close the edit
> command. This is useful if you want to save your writings from time to
> time without closing the dialog, of if you edit the design and want to
> observe the changes.
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
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