seaside and rest

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seaside and rest

Olivier Auverlot

I try desperately to use seaside-Rest for building REST services with Seaside. I read the documentation ( and read this post on the ML (

Someone could explain me how to use this library ? Must I create an Seaside application for hosting the web service ? What is the content of the createRoutes method ? What is the goal of the life ? 42 ? I feel that i become crazy... <X

Thanks for your help.
best regards
Olivier ;-)

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Re: seaside and rest

Hi Oliver,
I also had a hard time to use it... what I did is to study bibliocello and squeaksource3 packages (both at
One interesting thing I found, is that you normally will want do something like this: 

| index |
<Path: '/index'>

index := MyIndex new.
self requestContext respond: [:response | response contentType: WAMimeType textHtml; nextPutAll: ( WARenderCanvas builder fullDocument: true; rootBlock: [ :root | index updateRoot:root ]; render: [ :canvas | index renderContentOn: canvas ])].

This is the "common answer pattern"  I found. 
Of course, this is just an example, and IRL you'll want to place the response login in a separate method, probable extending WAComponent with a method #respondRendered of something (both bibliocello and squeaksource3 uses this approach).

I hope this helps :)


El 29/03/2011, a las 4:56a.m., Olivier Auverlot escribió:


I try desperately to use seaside-Rest for building REST services with Seaside. I read the documentation ( and read this post on the ML (

Someone could explain me how to use this library ? Must I create an Seaside application for hosting the web service ? What is the content of the createRoutes method ? What is the goal of the life ? 42 ? I feel that i become crazy... <X

Thanks for your help.
best regards
Olivier ;-)
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Re: seaside and rest

In reply to this post by Olivier Auverlot
Hi again :)
I forget that, before all, you need to register your application with something like this: 

| app |
app := WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.
app addFilterFirst: MyRestFilter new.

(you need to add YOUR Rest filter, who is a child of WAPragmaBasedRestfulFilter) 


pd: Philippe, any chance this information can be placed somewhere in the wiki, I think for us, the newcomers to SeasideRest is not so easy to understand :(

El 29/03/2011, a las 4:56a.m., Olivier Auverlot escribió:


I try desperately to use seaside-Rest for building REST services with Seaside. I read the documentation ( and read this post on the ML (

Someone could explain me how to use this library ? Must I create an Seaside application for hosting the web service ? What is the content of the createRoutes method ? What is the goal of the life ? 42 ? I feel that i become crazy... <X

Thanks for your help.
best regards
Olivier ;-)
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Re: seaside and rest

Olivier Auverlot

Hi Esteban,

Thanks for this informations. I will continue my tests.
Hi again :)
I forget that, before all, you need to register your application with something like this: 

| app |
app := WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.
app addFilterFirst: MyRestFilter new.

(you need to add YOUR Rest filter, who is a child of WAPragmaBasedRestfulFilter) 


pd: Philippe, any chance this information can be placed somewhere in the wiki, I think for us, the newcomers to SeasideRest is not so easy to understand :(

+1000. More documentation are welcome. It's now very important to have the possibilite produce web services with Seaside.

Olivier ;-)
El 29/03/2011, a las 4:56a.m., Olivier Auverlot escribió:


I try desperately to use seaside-Rest for building REST services with Seaside. I read the documentation ( and read this post on the ML (

Someone could explain me how to use this library ? Must I create an Seaside application for hosting the web service ? What is the content of the createRoutes method ? What is the goal of the life ? 42 ? I feel that i become crazy... <X

Thanks for your help.
best regards
Olivier ;-)
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Re: seaside and rest

Philippe Marschall
In reply to this post by EstebanLM
2011/3/29 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:

> Hi again :)
> I forget that, before all, you need to register your application with
> something like this:
> | app |
> app := WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.
> app addFilterFirst: MyRestFilter new.
> (you need to add YOUR Rest filter, who is a child of
> WAPragmaBasedRestfulFilter)
> cheers,
> Esteban
> pd: Philippe, any chance this information can be placed somewhere in the
> wiki, I think for us, the newcomers to SeasideRest is not so easy to
> understand :(


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Re: seaside and rest

Lukas Renggli
This is cool, let's add it at some point to the Seaside Book too :-)

On 29 March 2011 20:20, Philippe Marschall <[hidden email]> wrote:

> 2011/3/29 Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]>:
>> Hi again :)
>> I forget that, before all, you need to register your application with
>> something like this:
>> | app |
>> app := WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.
>> app addFilterFirst: MyRestFilter new.
>> (you need to add YOUR Rest filter, who is a child of
>> WAPragmaBasedRestfulFilter)
>> cheers,
>> Esteban
>> pd: Philippe, any chance this information can be placed somewhere in the
>> wiki, I think for us, the newcomers to SeasideRest is not so easy to
>> understand :(
> Done
> Cheers
> Philippe
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> seaside mailing list
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Lukas Renggli
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Re: seaside and rest

Olivier Auverlot
In reply to this post by Philippe Marschall
Thanks to have updated the documentation ;-)
2011/3/29 Esteban Lorenzano [hidden email]:
Hi again :)
I forget that, before all, you need to register your application with
something like this:
| app |
app := WAAdmin register: self asApplicationAt: 'myapp'.
app addFilterFirst: MyRestFilter new.
(you need to add YOUR Rest filter, who is a child of
pd: Philippe, any chance this information can be placed somewhere in the
wiki, I think for us, the newcomers to SeasideRest is not so easy to
understand :(

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