selectAllSortBy: usage

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selectAllSortBy: usage

Asbath Sama biyalou

Hi everybody

I have a small problem with the selectAllSortBy: method When I use it Actualite selectAllSortBy: {# date_actu-> 1. # heure_actu-> 1} asDictionary. I have a MessageUnderstood Set (class) >> sortBy: I searched the whole system to find sortBy: but in vain. I do not know how to do it anymore. I' am using Voyage with Integrated mongo db (VOMemoryRepository).

Thanks for help.


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Re: selectAllSortBy: usage

Sabine Manaa
Hi Asbath,

1.) the code you have sent looks like there is a blank between # and date_actu. There should be no blank.

2.) You use the method selectAllSortBy: and not sortBy:

I tried your code with  my classes (with mongodb) and works like this:

 RKAPerson selectAllSortBy: {#date_actu-> 1. #heure_actu-> 1} asDictionary.  

This works for me.

I hope this helps.


2017-01-14 11:35 GMT+01:00 Asbath Sama biyalou <[hidden email]>:

Hi everybody

I have a small problem with the selectAllSortBy: method When I use it Actualite selectAllSortBy: {# date_actu-> 1. # heure_actu-> 1} asDictionary. I have a MessageUnderstood Set (class) >> sortBy: I searched the whole system to find sortBy: but in vain. I do not know how to do it anymore. I' am using Voyage with Integrated mongo db (VOMemoryRepository).

Thanks for help.
