The #selectionChanged event doesn't appear to get fired when deleting
selected items in a multiple selection list view. The culprit seems to
be IconicListAbstract>>onItemRemovedAtIndex:, which tries to compare
an array of selected items against the integer index of the removed
I've added an overridden version of onItemRemovedAtIndex: to
MultipleSelectionListView as follows (apologies for any word-wrapping
onItemRemovedAtIndex: anIntegerIndex
"Event received when an object has been removed from the
model at anIntegerIndex. Remove the appropriate item from the
JS - Overridden so that selection change events are generated
when items
are deleted from a multiple-selection list."
| selectionChanged |
selectionChanged := self selectionByIndex includes:
self basicRemoveAtIndex: anIntegerIndex.
selectionChanged ifTrue: [self onSelChanged: nil]
This appears to do the trick, with the proviso that
IconListAbstract>>onSelRemoved isn't called when the last selected
item is deleted. I'm not sure that this is a problem. If there's
anyone that's familiar with this area and can see a fault with this
solution, I'd appreciate knowing about it! :-)
Jason Shannon