'self' in inherited methods

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'self' in inherited methods

Chris Uppal-3
I don't know how well this would work out, or how feasible it is.

In the CHB I often have methods on the class-side that have a "doit" in the
comment to execute that method:

    "blah blah...

        self doSomething.

Quite often it'd be nice to be able to use that expression in subclasses
which inherit #doSomething.  There's no convenient way to do that currently,
but there almost is in D5 -- *if* 'self' in an doIt from an "inherited
method" were bound to the viewed class, rather than the class defining the

To me that seems more logical, but I don't know if others agree.  I can see
how it might cause confusion -- pure logic often does that ;-).

What do you think ?

    -- chris