set default font in DolphinPro5

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set default font in DolphinPro5

Jochen Riekhof
I am trying to set the default workspace font size, but it does not work,
because the property is not editable in user prefs.
I tried the appended procedure two times, but it does not help, although the
update is installed.

Any idea?



>This sounds like a problem with Dolphin Value Edition in general (not just
>the trial) since the System Browser is only available in Standard Edition
>and higher. Looking at it, it looks like fix #944 has been left out of the
>DVE download although it is included in the Live Update 5.0.1 patch. :-(
>In order to be able to reapply the patch in your image please evaluate:
>SessionManager current productDetails at: 5 put: 0
>Then go and open the Live Update icon in the Dolphin system folder and
>follow the instructions to install the 5.0.1 patch. After that you should
>able to open the User Preferences and set the font as described.

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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Ian Bartholomew-14

> I am trying to set the default workspace font size, but it does not work,
> because the property is not editable in user prefs.
> I tried the appended procedure two times, but it does not help, although
> the update is installed.
> Any idea?

I don't know why it won't work in your Pro version (and I thought the
message you included only applied to the Value edition?) but you might like
to try the following. Obviously, without knowing why the other method fails
I can't guarantee this - but it's worth a try.

Edit the pointSize to your new preference and then evaluate the following in
a workspace.

SmalltalkWorkspace defaultFont: (SmalltalkWorkspace defaultFont pointSize:

If you want to change the Font as well you can use something like -

SmalltalkWorkspace defaultFont: (Font name: 'Arial' pointSize: 14)


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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Jochen Riekhof
> Edit the pointSize to your new preference
In the preferences, the Font value is display only, no editong is possible.

> and then evaluate the following in  a workspace.
> SmalltalkWorkspace defaultFont: (SmalltalkWorkspace defaultFont pointSize:

This works fine! Thanks!
Anyway, it would be nice to have the Font/Size editable in the Preferences



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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Ian Bartholomew-14

> > Edit the pointSize to your new preference
> In the preferences, the Font value is display only, no editong is
> possible.

I really meant "Edit the pointSize in the following statement ....". The
example I gave, a point size of 20, is probably not much use in practice :-)

> Anyway, it would be nice to have the Font/Size editable in the Preferences
> :-)

I assume you are using the evaluation version of Dolphin Pro (is that
right?) as it works fine in the full version I'm using.  Hopefully Andy or
Blair (Object Arts) will spot this thread and check the evaluation download.


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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Jochen Riekhof
> I assume you are using the evaluation version of Dolphin Pro (is that
> right?)

> as it works fine in the full version I'm using.  Hopefully Andy or
> Blair (Object Arts) will spot this thread and check the evaluation

Thanks a lot for your help!



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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Andy Bower

> > I assume you are using the evaluation version of Dolphin Pro (is that
> > right?)
> Yes!
> > as it works fine in the full version I'm using.  Hopefully Andy or
> > Blair (Object Arts) will spot this thread and check the evaluation
> download.
> Thanks a lot for your help!

There's no difference between the trial version and the full version of
Dolphin (in this area, at least). In the User Preferences expand the
Workspace node and double click over defaultFont. This should bring up a
font chooser. Select a new point size and click okay. Now when you open new
workspaces or tools that contain them you should see that the font size has
changed. Note that changing the size does not alter workspaces that are
already in existence.

Best Regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support
Are you trying too hard?

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Re: set default font in DolphinPro5

Jochen Riekhof
> There's no difference between the trial version and the full version of
> Dolphin (in this area, at least). In the User Preferences expand the
> Workspace node and double click over defaultFont.

Ah, so it was wrong usage by myself! I doubleclicked the font name on the
right. It seems that things in Dolphin sometimes are a bit different ;-).

Thank you for your help!

