shape file reading

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shape file reading

Hans Baveco

Hi Hernan


I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is

self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194



where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31



         "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"


         ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false



No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...







You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"


I wrote this script to reproduce:


 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].


Once downloaded:


| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.


Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?

I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:


| shpFile |                                                                            
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].








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Re: shape file reading

Hans Baveco

Well, it appears that simple direct downloading does not download the real shapefile. Taking care to actually get a shapefile, the result loads without problems.

ne_110m_populated_places.shp is a PointShape with 243 shapes (points). If you display it on a Form (#displayMorphic) you won’t see much (243 hardly visible dots).


With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the vector data we would get much nicer maps...




From: Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]>
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file reading


Hi Hernan


I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is

self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194



where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31



         "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"


         ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false



No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...







You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"


I wrote this script to reproduce:


 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].


Once downloaded:


| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.


Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?

I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:


| shpFile |                                                                            
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].








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Re: shape file reading

Thierry Goubier
Hi Hans,

Roassal has support for loading OSM raw data and OSM tiles (map
backgrounds) (WGS84 projection). See We've also
experimented with animations as well:; we've also tried in the
past to work out of GRASS-produced rasters for complex geographic
analysis, such as runoff flooding, projected on osm tiles.



Le ven. 5 juin 2020 à 14:27, Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]> a écrit :

> Well, it appears that simple direct downloading does not download the real shapefile. Taking care to actually get a shapefile, the result loads without problems.
> ne_110m_populated_places.shp is a PointShape with 243 shapes (points). If you display it on a Form (#displayMorphic) you won’t see much (243 hardly visible dots).
> With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the vector data we would get much nicer maps...
> Hans
> From: Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]>
> Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
> To: Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>
> Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file reading
> Hi Hernan
> I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is
> self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194
> where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31
> shapeType
>          "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"
>          ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false
> No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...
> Hans
> You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"
> I wrote this script to reproduce:
>  | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |
> " Download Shapefile resources "
> urlRoot := ''.
> urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
> urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
> urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.
> #('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
> | url |
> url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
> (response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
> ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
> fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
> fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
> stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].
> Once downloaded:
> | urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
> urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
> urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
> " Load and display it in Morphic "
> shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.
> Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?
> I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:
> | shpFile |
> shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
> [ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
>                 (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
>         on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
>         do: [ nil ].
> Cheers,
> Hernán

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Re: shape file reading

In reply to this post by Hans Baveco

El vie., 5 jun. 2020 a las 9:27, Baveco, Hans (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

Well, it appears that simple direct downloading does not download the real shapefile. Taking care to actually get a shapefile, the result loads without problems.

ne_110m_populated_places.shp is a PointShape with 243 shapes (points). If you display it on a Form (#displayMorphic) you won’t see much (243 hardly visible dots).


I checked and my previous download method was completely wrong. Now switching from ZnEasy to ZnClient to download and it works nicely:

 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp' '.cpg' '.prj') do: [ : ext |
  ZnClient new
   url: (urlPath , ext) asZnUrl;
   queryAt: 'raw' put: 'true';
   numberOfRetries: 2;
   enforceHttpSuccess: true;
   downloadTo: urlESRIFilePrefix , ext;
   get ].

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.
" List data fields "
shpE dataFields inspect.
" List all shape records "
shpE shapeRecords inspect.
" Set the current attribute "
shpE attribute: 'NAME'.

legend := ColorLegend mapValuesToRandom: shpE valuesOfCurrentAttribute.
shpE legend: legend.

shpE displayMorphic.

With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the vector data we would get much nicer maps...




From: Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]>
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file reading


Hi Hernan


I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is

self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194



where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31



         "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"


         ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false



No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...







You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"


I wrote this script to reproduce:


 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].


Once downloaded:


| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.


Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?

I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:


| shpFile |                                                                            
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].








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Re: shape file reading

Stéphane Ducasse
Please add this to the readme :)

On 5 Jun 2020, at 23:19, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

El vie., 5 jun. 2020 a las 9:27, Baveco, Hans (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

Well, it appears that simple direct downloading does not download the real shapefile. Taking care to actually get a shapefile, the result loads without problems.

ne_110m_populated_places.shp is a PointShape with 243 shapes (points). If you display it on a Form (#displayMorphic) you won’t see much (243 hardly visible dots).


I checked and my previous download method was completely wrong. Now switching from ZnEasy to ZnClient to download and it works nicely:

 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp' '.cpg' '.prj') do: [ : ext |
  ZnClient new
   url: (urlPath , ext) asZnUrl;
   queryAt: 'raw' put: 'true';
   numberOfRetries: 2;
   enforceHttpSuccess: true;
   downloadTo: urlESRIFilePrefix , ext;
   get ].

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.
" List data fields "
shpE dataFields inspect.
" List all shape records "
shpE shapeRecords inspect.
" Set the current attribute "
shpE attribute: 'NAME'.

legend := ColorLegend mapValuesToRandom: shpE valuesOfCurrentAttribute.
shpE legend: legend.

shpE displayMorphic.

With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the vector data we would get much nicer maps...




From: Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]>
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file reading


Hi Hernan


I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is

self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194



where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31



         "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"


         ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false



No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...







You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"


I wrote this script to reproduce:


 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].


Once downloaded:


| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.


Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?

I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:


| shpFile |                                                                            
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].








Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650

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Re: shape file reading




El sáb., 6 jun. 2020 a las 3:17, Stéphane Ducasse (<[hidden email]>) escribió:
Please add this to the readme :)

On 5 Jun 2020, at 23:19, Hernán Morales Durand <[hidden email]> wrote:

El vie., 5 jun. 2020 a las 9:27, Baveco, Hans (<[hidden email]>) escribió:

Well, it appears that simple direct downloading does not download the real shapefile. Taking care to actually get a shapefile, the result loads without problems.

ne_110m_populated_places.shp is a PointShape with 243 shapes (points). If you display it on a Form (#displayMorphic) you won’t see much (243 hardly visible dots).


I checked and my previous download method was completely wrong. Now switching from ZnEasy to ZnClient to download and it works nicely:

 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp' '.cpg' '.prj') do: [ : ext |
  ZnClient new
   url: (urlPath , ext) asZnUrl;
   queryAt: 'raw' put: 'true';
   numberOfRetries: 2;
   enforceHttpSuccess: true;
   downloadTo: urlESRIFilePrefix , ext;
   get ].

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.
" List data fields "
shpE dataFields inspect.
" List all shape records "
shpE shapeRecords inspect.
" Set the current attribute "
shpE attribute: 'NAME'.

legend := ColorLegend mapValuesToRandom: shpE valuesOfCurrentAttribute.
shpE legend: legend.

shpE displayMorphic.

With an application for vector graphics (Roassal?) that can read & display the vector data we would get much nicer maps...




From: Baveco, Hans <[hidden email]>
Sent: vrijdag 5 juni 2020 12:44
To: Any question about pharo is welcome <[hidden email]>
Subject: [Pharo-users] shape file reading


Hi Hernan


I downloaded this shapefile directly via the browser. Indeed it won’t load, the type of shape file returned is

self longAt: 33 bigEndian: false -> 577660194



where it should have answered an Integer between 0 and 31



         "position 32, Integer between 0 and 31, Little Endian"


         ^shpBytes longAt: 33 bigEndian: false



No idea what could be the cause – apparently the header of the file (the first 100 bytes) is not ok...







You mean some types are missing? Because I get this error when I try to read some SHP files: "Types > 20 are not yet accounted for"


I wrote this script to reproduce:


 | shpE legend urlRoot urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp urlPath response fileRef |

" Download Shapefile resources "
urlRoot := ''.
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.
urlPath := urlRoot , urlESRIFilePrefix.

#('.shx' '.dbf' '.shp') do: [ : ext |
| url |
url :=  (urlPath , ext , '?raw=true') asZnUrl.
(response := ZnEasy get: url) isSuccess
ifFalse: [ self error: 'Cannot download file' ].
fileRef := FileSystem disk workingDirectory / (urlESRIFilePrefix , ext).
fileRef writeStreamDo: [ : stream |
stream nextPutAll: ((ZnByteEncoder newForEncoding: 'koi8r') decodeBytes: response contents ) ] ].


Once downloaded:


| urlESRIFilePrefix urlESRIFileShp shpE |
urlESRIFilePrefix := 'ne_110m_populated_places'.
urlESRIFileShp := urlESRIFilePrefix , '.shp'.

" Load and display it in Morphic "
shpE := ShapeEnsemble fromFile: urlESRIFileShp.


Maybe it's related with the fact they are encoded as koi8r?

I checked with Zinc downloading first from the browser:


| shpFile |                                                                            
shpFile := 'ne_110m_admin_0_countries.shp' asFileReference.
[ shpFile binaryReadStreamDo: [ : in |
                (ZnCharacterEncoder detectEncoding: in upToEnd) identifier ] ]
        on: ZnCharacterEncodingError
        do: [ nil ].








Stéphane Ducasse
03 59 35 87 52
Assistant: Aurore Dalle 
FAX 03 59 57 78 50
TEL 03 59 35 86 16
S. Ducasse - Inria
40, avenue Halley, 
Parc Scientifique de la Haute Borne, Bât.A, Park Plaza
Villeneuve d'Ascq 59650