should anchorNode be hardcoded in TreeModel?

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should anchorNode be hardcoded in TreeModel?

Frank Sergeant
(Dolphin 4)


Since the above method has been added to TreeModel to answer the node class,
shouldn't it be used everywhere?  TreeNode is hardcoded in
TreeModel>>initialize rather than using the #nodeClass method.  Elsewhere,
the method is sent instead of hardcoding the class.  Perhaps there is some
reason to hardcode the anchor node but not other nodes?

   anchorNode := TreeNode new.
   anchorNode := self nodeClass new.

By changing #initialize to use the second form, a subclass of TreeModel
could use a different node class without needing to override #initialize
(just by overriding #nodeClass), for example, I'm using SortedTreeNode so a
node can keep its children sorted.

What do you think?

  -- Frank
  [hidden email]

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Re: should anchorNode be hardcoded in TreeModel?

Blair McGlashan

"Frank Sergeant" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:lw2W5.183$[hidden email]...
> (Dolphin 4)
> TreeModel>>nodeClass
>      ^TreeNode
> Since the above method has been added to TreeModel to answer the node
> shouldn't it be used everywhere?  TreeNode is hardcoded in
> TreeModel>>initialize rather than using the #nodeClass method.  Elsewhere,
> the method is sent instead of hardcoding the class.  Perhaps there is some
> reason to hardcode the anchor node but not other nodes?

I think it is probably an oversight. The "anchorNode" has a special status
(as the real root of all the application roots that are displayed in a tree
view), but I can't think of any particular reason why it should need to be
of a specific class. We'll investigate and fix in the next patch level if
appropriate, so thanks for the report.

