simple text editor with basic formatting capabilities

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simple text editor with basic formatting capabilities

Alex Greber


We are looking for a simple text editor with basic formatting capabilities.
Minimal requirements: setting fontcolor, bold, italic.

I don't find anything that comes with VAST so I think we will use a third party editor using OLE.
We don't want to use microsoft word.

Has anyone experience with simple OLE embedded text editors like "alltext ht/pro ocx" "tx textcontrol activeX".
Simple format (eg. html) for storing would be nice. We'd prefer to store the formated text in a db not in a windows file.

Any suggestions are appreciated

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Re: simple text editor with basic formatting capabilities

Marten Feldtmann-2
If you like to spend some time on coding you may look at MSKScintillaWrapper at

It's a native windows control and I played around with it - but the code if far from being ready.

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