Hi Ben, On Thu, May 22, 2014 at 6:09 PM, Ben Coman [hidden email] wrote: > Now is there any important function missing, or is there a better way to do > this? thank you for your contribution. I would try to generate this instead: \begin{note} foo bar baz \end{note} This environment is meant for this. To output the \begin and \end parts, use canvas environment (look at the senders of #environment in the PRLaTeXWriter class for examples) To output the text, you can just write super visitAnnotatedParagraph: aParagraph > I also want add an annotation type, which I'll describe in a following post. I should we should think a bit how these should be handled. In the meantime, you can just hack around :-). And please add unit tests. -- Damien Cassou So I determined that the following works well... PRLaTeXWriter>>visitAnnotatedParagraph:
"Pier seams to lack consistency here ..." 'todo' = anAnnotatedParagraph annotation asLowercase ifTrue: [ ^ self visitCommentedLine: anAnnotatedParagraph ]. canvas environment name: 'note' ; with: [ super visitAnnotatedParagraph: anAnnotatedParagraph ]. to process Pillar markup... @@note Pay attention to the class
definition for your new ""==BlankCellTest=="". It must be a subclass of
the class ""==TestCase=="". This is easy to overlook. If you did it
wrong already, no problem, just go back and correct it now and then save
the code again.
Within a class, methods are organised into "protocols" that are shown in the third browser pane from the left of Figure *testCellStateShouldBeOffEmpty*. We will group our "tests" inside a protocol of the same name. to produce this nice looking PDF showing the note indented with dividing lines... ![]() Now that was real easy to do!! Thanks for making Pillar accessible. I can't imagine making a similar change as easy in a Markdown processor in some other language. --------------- Next, in common.tex [1] I found... {
\newcommand{\dothisicon}{\raisebox{-.5ex}{\includegraphics[height=1.2em]{pharo}}} \newcommand{\dothis}[1]{% \medskip \noindent\dothisicon \ifx#1\empty\else\quad\emph{#1}\fi \par\smallskip\nopagebreak} } and discovered I could do this in the Pillar markup... Before defining a class we should
define a package to contain our
classes. When we save a package all the classes will be saved together.
It is a good practice to group together classes that work together.
{{{latex: \dothis{Right-click on the background and open a System Browser.} \dothis{In the package list of the System Browser, choose "add package" to add a new package. Use the name "LaserG }}} to produce in the PDF two Pharo icons on separate lines... ![]() But that is awkward and verbose to do each time, and I though it would be nice for Pillar to handle this as an annotation like this... Before defining a class we should define
a package to contain our classes. When we save a package all the
classes will be saved together. It is a good practice to group together
classes that work together.
@@dothis Right-click on the background and open a System Browser. @@dothis In the package list of the System Browser, choose "add package" to add a new package. Use the name "LaserGame-Model". so I found I could do that by added the following hack to PRLaTeXWriter>>visitAnnotatedParagraph: ... 'dothis' = anAnnotatedParagraph annotation asLowercase ifTrue: [ ^ self writeRawDuring: [ stream newLine. stream << '\dothis{' . stream << anAnnotatedParagraph text trimBoth . stream << '} ' . ]. ]. However changing this to be less of a hack like this... 'dothis' = anAnnotatedParagraph annotation asLowercase ifTrue: [ ^ canvas command name: 'dothis' ; parameter: [ super visitAnnotatedParagraph: anAnnotatedParagraph ] ]. doesn't quite work, since the first Pharo icon runs onto the previous line... ![]() That can be fixed as follows.... PRLaTeXCommand>>name: aString
stream newLine. "<---THIS LINE ADDED" stream << $\ << aString but I don't know if that is the right thing to do. Maybe there are times when you want commands to run on from a line. What would be the right thing? Also, is it reasonable to add this new annotation type? i.e. might it be integrated soon ? :) :) . This would really help with the Laser Game tutorial. [1] https://github.com/bencoman/PharoLaserGameTutorial/blob/master/common.tex cheers -ben P.S. This is my first post to the mail list using PostBox on OSX. Let me know if you notice any issues with it being not plain text and if you have any advice ensure plain text posts in PostBox. |
Ben Coman wrote:
I discovered that instead of modifying PRLaTeXCommand>>name: , that in PRLaTeXWriter>>visitAnnotatedParagraph: I could do... 'dothis' = anAnnotatedParagraph annotation asLowercase ifTrue: [ canvas newLine. "<----THIS LINE ADDED" ^ canvas command name: 'dothis' ; parameter: [ super visitAnnotatedParagraph: anAnnotatedParagraph ] ]. which seems better, but maybe still not the best. cheers -ben |
In reply to this post by Ben Coman
Really nice!
:) |
In reply to this post by Ben Coman
On Sat, May 24, 2014 at 10:51 AM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote:
that's the right way I guess, thank you for your contribution. Please add related unit tests. -- Damien Cassou http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm." Winston Churchill |
24 May 2014 4:51
pm I discovered that instead of modifying PRLaTeXCommand>>name: , that in PRLaTeXWriter>>visitAnnotatedParagraph: I could do... 'dothis' = anAnnotatedParagraph annotation asLowercase ifTrue: [ canvas newLine. "<----THIS LINE ADDED" ^ canvas command name: 'dothis' ; parameter: [ super visitAnnotatedParagraph: anAnnotatedParagraph ] ]. which seems better, but maybe still not the best. cheers -ben I started looking into the unit tests and it is interesting how the tests seem to be structured to align with the visitor pattern, with PRDocumentWriterTest defining many tests once which refer to methods returning requirements-strings that are overridden in subclasses. Now PRDocumentWriterTest currently has no test for annotations, and PRMarkdown>>visitAnnotatedParagraph: says "Pier seems to lack consistency here ...", so I thought I might have a go at ironing that out. To learn a bit more about the system I tried each of the exporters and found a problem with comments where they break lists, which is a bit constraining. This can be demonstrated with the following file "test.pier"... nesting test # item 1 ## item 11 ## item 12 % comment 1 ## item 13 with the shell command... pharo pillar.image pillar export --to=pillar test.pier which produces... nesting test # item 1 ## item 11 ## item 12 % comment 1 # ## item 13 which is different from the original with the addition of the second last line. I would expect the output to be the same. Tracing through, I observe the #add: in the last line of... PRCommentedLine class >> parse: aString with: aParser | stream content | stream := aString readStream. stream next: self markup size. content := stream upToEnd. ^ aParser add: (self content: content) puts the CommentedLine under the first level of the PRDocument and a new OrderedList is created (Figure 1 - Before). Now by changing that last line to... ^ aParser addNested: (self content: content) the CommentedLine is placed under the ListItem and a new OrderedList is not created (Figure 1 - After), and --to=pillar produces... nesting test # item 1 ## item 11 ## item 12 % comment 1 ## item 13 identical to the original. In the attached MCZ I added... PRDocumentParser >> addNested: anObject self addNested: anObject to: self document PRDocumentParser >> addNested: anObject to: aGroup aGroup children isEmpty ifTrue: [ ^ aGroup add: anObject ]. aGroup children last isGroup ifTrue: [ ^ self addNested: anObject to: aGroup children last ] . ^ aGroup add: anObject. PRDocumentItem >> isGroup ^false PRDocumentGroup >> isGroup ^true For completeness, here are the other output formats. --to=markdown before produces... nesting test 1. item 1 1. item 11 2. item 12 1. 1. item 13 --to=markdown after produces... nesting test 1. item 1 1. item 11 2. item 12 3. item 13 --to=text before produces... nesting test 1. item 1 1. item 11 2. item 12 1. 1. item 13 --to=text after produces... nesting test 1. item 1 1. item 11 2. item 12 3. item 13 --to=latex before produces... \begin{document} nesting test \begin{enumerate} \item item 1 \begin{enumerate} \item item 11 \item item 12 \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \begin{enumerate} \item \begin{enumerate} \item item 13 \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document} --to=latex after produces... \begin{document} nesting test \begin{enumerate} \item item 1 \begin{enumerate} \item item 11 \item item 12 \item item 13 \end{enumerate} \end{enumerate} \end{document} --to=html before produces... <div class="container"> <p>nesting test</p> <ol><li> item 1 <ol> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> </ol> </li></ol> <ol><li> <ol><li>item 13</li></ol> </li></ol> </div> --to=html after produces... <div class="container"> <p>nesting test</p> <ol><li>item 1 <ol> <li>item 11</li> <li>item 12</li> <li> item 13</li> </ol> </li></ol> </div> So, thats a small start. Anything obvious it might break? cheers -ben |
On Wed, May 28, 2014 at 7:17 PM, Ben Coman <[hidden email]> wrote: So, thats a small start. Anything obvious it might break? that looks awesome. Thank you very much for your fix. I can't find your mcz though. You can just commit to the http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar repository. Best -- Damien Cassou http://damiencassou.seasidehosting.st "Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without losing enthusiasm." Winston Churchill |
Damien Cassou wrote:
> You can just commit to the http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#!/~Pier/Pillar > <http://www.smalltalkhub.com/#%21/%7EPier/Pillar> repository. > duh! of course. I was looking for my name in the contributors list, but then didn't notice it was a public repository. Its uploaded now. |
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