snap morphs/windows to each other when dragging

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snap morphs/windows to each other when dragging

Peter Uhnak

is it possible to tell windows to "snap" to other windows when dragging?

So e.g. when I am dragging Playground window, it will try to snap side by side with a close-by another window, so they don't overlap (unless I e.g. press shift or something).


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Re: snap morphs/windows to each other when dragging

Stephane Ducasse-3
I do not know that by default.
Especially since the drag and drop is when the mous is inside.
this is anice scenario for bloc :)

On Sun, Jun 4, 2017 at 2:51 PM, Peter Uhnak <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> is it possible to tell windows to "snap" to other windows when dragging?
> So e.g. when I am dragging Playground window, it will try to snap side by side with a close-by another window, so they don't overlap (unless I e.g. press shift or something).
> Thanks,
> Peter