sockets/binary data

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sockets/binary data

Matthew Claus
Hello - I am a new user of Dolphin Smalltalk which I am enjoying
immensely.  As a learning exercise, I am trying to use Dolphin to
develop a test client for a distributed messaging platform.  The
platform utilizes a proprietary TCP based binary messaging protocol.
There are various datatypes in the protocol including the IEEE double
format which is used to represent C doubles.  My only question is how
do I create an object/value for such a double within Dolphin after I
have read a sequence of bytes from a socket?  I have studied the
external interfacing portion of the documentation but as a beginner I
can't quite pull together how to apply these concepts to my problem...

Any pointers to the appropriate documentation or functionality within
the image itself is grealty appreciated.


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Re: sockets/binary data

Matthew Claus
On Thu, 18 Apr 2002 22:29:36 GMT, [hidden email] wrote:

>Hello - I am a new user of Dolphin Smalltalk which I am enjoying
>immensely.  As a learning exercise, I am trying to use Dolphin to
>develop a test client for a distributed messaging platform.  The
>platform utilizes a proprietary TCP based binary messaging protocol.
>There are various datatypes in the protocol including the IEEE double
>format which is used to represent C doubles.  My only question is how
>do I create an object/value for such a double within Dolphin after I
>have read a sequence of bytes from a socket?  I have studied the
>external interfacing portion of the documentation but as a beginner I
>can't quite pull together how to apply these concepts to my problem...
>Any pointers to the appropriate documentation or functionality within
>the image itself is grealty appreciated.

Ahhh - I have found DOUBLE bytes: - I assume this is the way to go?