sort columns

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sort columns

Ted Bracht-3
Hi Andy and Blair,
When adding lines to a list or changing the model of that list, the sort icon on the column that was last clicked stays visible, even though the list isn't sorted by that column anymore. I couldn't find a 'standard' way to 1. remove the icon or 2. resort by that column.
As in my app the user would want to retain the sort order, I had to add the following method to ListView:
lastClickedColIndex ifNotNil: [ :a |
    self sortOnColumn: (self columnAtIndex: lastClickedColIndex)]
Could/should that (and a way to remove the icon) be part of the standard image?
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Re: sort columns

Blair McGlashan
"Ted Bracht" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]...
> When adding lines to a list or changing the model of that list, the sort
> icon on the column that was last clicked stays visible, even though the
> isn't sorted by that column anymore. I couldn't find a 'standard' way to
> remove the icon or 2. resort by that column.

Well there is the (admittedly private) method #forgetLastClickedColumn.

> As in my app the user would want to retain the sort order, I had to add
> following method to ListView:
> ListView>>resort
> lastClickedColIndex ifNotNil: [ :a |
>     self sortOnColumn: (self columnAtIndex: lastClickedColIndex)]
> Could/should that (and a way to remove the icon) be part of the standard
> image?

Actually I wonder if that ought not to happen automatically if the list is



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Re: sort columns

Ted Bracht-2
Hi Blair,

> >
> > Could/should that (and a way to remove the icon) be part of the standard
> > image?
> >
> Actually I wonder if that ought not to happen automatically if the list is
> changed?

Yes, I think it should.

