Hi there,
I was trying Installer to customize some images I need.
The .mcm file I needed to load was causing trouble.
Installer in mcThing makes
version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: mc
for every version but if instead of a regular package you asked for a
.mcm then it will give you a DNU on #workingCopy
So I've patched it unelegantly perhaps to:
(version isKindOf: MCConfiguration) ifFalse:[
version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: mc].
and it worked fine.
Sebastian Sastre
PD: here is the whole method patched
| files fileToLoad version count |
self logCR: 'finding ', self package asString, '...'.
"several attempts to read files - repository readableFileNames sometimes
count := 0. fileToLoad := nil.
[count := count + 1.
(fileToLoad = nil) and:[ count < 5 ] ]
whileTrue: [
files := mc readableFileNames asSortedCollection: self
fileToLoad := files detect: self mcDetectFileBlock
ifNone: [ nil ].
version := mc versionFromFileNamed: fileToLoad.
(version isKindOf: MCConfiguration) ifFalse:[
version workingCopy repositoryGroup addRepository: mc].
mc creationTemplate: mc asCreationTemplate.
self log: ' found ', version fileName, '...'.
^ version