start using STORE in 57 seconds, perhaps the easiest way

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start using STORE in 57 seconds, perhaps the easiest way

I've been using STORE for a month or two now. Before that I had never given it a try in fear that it might be too complicated a task for me.
To share with those who are like me, here are the steps I took to make it run on Windows XP:

(suppose you've not a database yet and want to use free SQLite3, otherwise the following not suit for you)

1 download SQLite3.dll if you haven't got one yet here: or here (This is a DLL of the SQLite library without the TCL bindings. The only external dependency is MSVCRT.DLL.): and unzip it to Windows system32 folder,
2 search using (exactly) '*SQLite3' and load from cincom public repository all the latest items, only three of them when I checked last time, making sure you've loaded DLLCC package before you doing that,
3 now open workspace and copy these three lines:
ExternalDatabaseConnection defaultConnection: #SQLite3Connection.
ExternalDatabaseConnection defaultConnection inspect.
Store.DbRegistry installDatabaseTables.
4 doit the first two lines to make sure the defaultConnection is now #SQLite3Connection then doit the third line and supply answers to 'Connect to Database' dialog (see my picture), the environment should be a file name you want to give your future database file in vwnc's image folder and answer no to later appearing dialog asking if you want do the group managing or something.
5 now it's done and you can publish your packages now to your personal STORE.
here is the picture: if you can't see it try this:
Best Regards,

Jim G