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I have a little request - or maybe I am missing something obvious...

EsString>>subStrings: currently treats two consecutive delimiters as if it were one. This is okay for many cases, but not for all.
I have an example where I receive error messages from an interface that comes delimited with pipe-symbols. Each part of the string is a part of the message, and many messages come concetenated into one big string.

The easiest thing to do would be to use subStrings: $|

But I can't.

I need the sixth part of every message to display it to the user, so what I tried was somthing like this:

parts := returnString subStrings: $|.
6 to: parts size by: 6 do: [:idx| messages add: (parts at: idx)].

Unfortunately, if one of the parts of a message is empty (consist of two consecutive pipes), this doesn't work any more, because subStrings returns one part less for each pair of consecutive pipe symbols. So all messages after the one with an empty part are incorrect and consist of some other part of the message...

For now, I will just add another extension method to EsString that leaves out the line marked in red below, but I think what should be done is add a method subStrings:skipEmpty: that is called by subStrings: with true (to preserve existing behavior) and in subStrings:skipEmpty: we should only skip Delimiters if the Boolean is true. 
Do people think this would be helpful? Would Instantiations consider adding this to VAST? Or is there such functionality already?


subStrings: separators
Answer an array containing the substrings in the receiver
separated by the elements of @separators.
Definition: <readableString>
Answer an array of strings. Each element represents a group
of characters separated by any of the characters in @separators.
separators <sequencedReadableCollection> uncaptured

Return Values
<Array> unspecified

If @separators contains anything other than Characters.

Implementation Notes
The CLDT protocol says @separators is a single Character while
the ANSI protocol says it is a collection of Characters.  This
implementation supports both protocols.
Consecutive separators are treated as a single separation point.
Leading or trailing separators are ignored."

| answer startIndex endIndex delimiters |

answer := OrderedCollection new.
delimiters := separators isCharacter 
ifTrue: [ Array with: separators ]
ifFalse: [ separators ].
startIndex := 1.
[ startIndex <= self size ] whileTrue: [
endIndex := self findDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: startIndex.
startIndex < endIndex
ifTrue: [ answer add: (self copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex - 1) ].
startIndex := self skipDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: endIndex ].
^ answer asArray

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Re: subStrings:

Marten Feldtmann-2
Use String>>allSubStrings:

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Re: subStrings:

Hey Marten,

that was fast ;-) 


Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 11:05:07 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Use String>>allSubStrings:

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Re: subStrings:

Read the Migration Guide! :-D


Am 16.10.2012 02:09, schrieb [hidden email]:
Hey Marten,

that was fast ;-) 


Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 11:05:07 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Use String>>allSubStrings:

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Re: subStrings:

Marten Feldtmann-2
Phhhh, who reads the Migration Guide before .... only afterwards :-)


Am 16.10.2012 15:37, schrieb Sebastian Heidbrink:
Read the Migration Guide! :-D

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Re: subStrings:

Klaus Breker
I read the migration guide before but I did not care for #allSubstrings: and made my own method looking like #allSubstrings: :o)


Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 15:51:06 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Phhhh, who reads the Migration Guide before .... only afterwards :-)


Am 16.10.2012 15:37, schrieb Sebastian Heidbrink:
Read the Migration Guide! :-D

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Re: subStrings:

I confess, I didn't read it when I was searching for my bug which got all messages from no. 431 on wrong ;-)

But I guess my question was so stupid that I really asked for a RTFM ;-)

Joachim, glad to have found a simple solution 

Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 16:16:16 UTC+2 schrieb Klaus Breker:
I read the migration guide before but I did not care for #allSubstrings: and made my own method looking like #allSubstrings: :o)


Am Dienstag, 16. Oktober 2012 15:51:06 UTC+2 schrieb Marten Feldtmann:
Phhhh, who reads the Migration Guide before .... only afterwards :-)


Am 16.10.2012 15:37, schrieb Sebastian Heidbrink:
Read the Migration Guide! :-D

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Re: subStrings:

In reply to this post by jtuchel
Hi J

I had a similar problem during porting code from 5.5.
replacing allSubStrings: wouldn't work for me, I wasn't going to sift through 700 000 lines of code to find everywhere to replace, even with advanced search.
I simply edited EsString/String and replaced subString with the one from 5.5. My app works now, but, I probably need to find time to do the tedious work of making my app work with newer VAST. Sigh.
Just my 2c


On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 11:02:27 UTC+2, [hidden email] wrote:

I have a little request - or maybe I am missing something obvious...

EsString>>subStrings: currently treats two consecutive delimiters as if it were one. This is okay for many cases, but not for all.
I have an example where I receive error messages from an interface that comes delimited with pipe-symbols. Each part of the string is a part of the message, and many messages come concetenated into one big string.

The easiest thing to do would be to use subStrings: $|

But I can't.

I need the sixth part of every message to display it to the user, so what I tried was somthing like this:

parts := returnString subStrings: $|.
6 to: parts size by: 6 do: [:idx| messages add: (parts at: idx)].

Unfortunately, if one of the parts of a message is empty (consist of two consecutive pipes), this doesn't work any more, because subStrings returns one part less for each pair of consecutive pipe symbols. So all messages after the one with an empty part are incorrect and consist of some other part of the message...

For now, I will just add another extension method to EsString that leaves out the line marked in red below, but I think what should be done is add a method subStrings:skipEmpty: that is called by subStrings: with true (to preserve existing behavior) and in subStrings:skipEmpty: we should only skip Delimiters if the Boolean is true. 
Do people think this would be helpful? Would Instantiations consider adding this to VAST? Or is there such functionality already?


subStrings: separators
Answer an array containing the substrings in the receiver
separated by the elements of @separators.
Definition: <readableString>
Answer an array of strings. Each element represents a group
of characters separated by any of the characters in @separators.
separators <sequencedReadableCollection> uncaptured

Return Values
<Array> unspecified

If @separators contains anything other than Characters.

Implementation Notes
The CLDT protocol says @separators is a single Character while
the ANSI protocol says it is a collection of Characters.  This
implementation supports both protocols.
Consecutive separators are treated as a single separation point.
Leading or trailing separators are ignored."

| answer startIndex endIndex delimiters |

answer := OrderedCollection new.
delimiters := separators isCharacter 
ifTrue: [ Array with: separators ]
ifFalse: [ separators ].
startIndex := 1.
[ startIndex <= self size ] whileTrue: [
endIndex := self findDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: startIndex.
startIndex < endIndex
ifTrue: [ answer add: (self copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex - 1) ].
startIndex := self skipDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: endIndex ].
^ answer asArray

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Re: subStrings:

Hi Dusty,

in today's VA ST, the Refactoring Browser ships with the environment, including the rewrite rule engine. This is exactly the tool you'd need for such a task.

The only thing that Instantiations should improve is that Refactoring should be loaded into an empty image by default - including the MED RB Extensions which turn most Browsers into Refactoring browsers...


Am Mittwoch, 17. Oktober 2012 09:57:42 UTC+2 schrieb Dusty:
Hi J

I had a similar problem during porting code from 5.5.
replacing allSubStrings: wouldn't work for me, I wasn't going to sift through 700 000 lines of code to find everywhere to replace, even with advanced search.
I simply edited EsString/String and replaced subString with the one from 5.5. My app works now, but, I probably need to find time to do the tedious work of making my app work with newer VAST. Sigh.
Just my 2c


On Tuesday, 16 October 2012 11:02:27 UTC+2, [hidden email] wrote:

I have a little request - or maybe I am missing something obvious...

EsString>>subStrings: currently treats two consecutive delimiters as if it were one. This is okay for many cases, but not for all.
I have an example where I receive error messages from an interface that comes delimited with pipe-symbols. Each part of the string is a part of the message, and many messages come concetenated into one big string.

The easiest thing to do would be to use subStrings: $|

But I can't.

I need the sixth part of every message to display it to the user, so what I tried was somthing like this:

parts := returnString subStrings: $|.
6 to: parts size by: 6 do: [:idx| messages add: (parts at: idx)].

Unfortunately, if one of the parts of a message is empty (consist of two consecutive pipes), this doesn't work any more, because subStrings returns one part less for each pair of consecutive pipe symbols. So all messages after the one with an empty part are incorrect and consist of some other part of the message...

For now, I will just add another extension method to EsString that leaves out the line marked in red below, but I think what should be done is add a method subStrings:skipEmpty: that is called by subStrings: with true (to preserve existing behavior) and in subStrings:skipEmpty: we should only skip Delimiters if the Boolean is true. 
Do people think this would be helpful? Would Instantiations consider adding this to VAST? Or is there such functionality already?


subStrings: separators
Answer an array containing the substrings in the receiver
separated by the elements of @separators.
Definition: <readableString>
Answer an array of strings. Each element represents a group
of characters separated by any of the characters in @separators.
separators <sequencedReadableCollection> uncaptured

Return Values
<Array> unspecified

If @separators contains anything other than Characters.

Implementation Notes
The CLDT protocol says @separators is a single Character while
the ANSI protocol says it is a collection of Characters.  This
implementation supports both protocols.
Consecutive separators are treated as a single separation point.
Leading or trailing separators are ignored."

| answer startIndex endIndex delimiters |

answer := OrderedCollection new.
delimiters := separators isCharacter 
ifTrue: [ Array with: separators ]
ifFalse: [ separators ].
startIndex := 1.
[ startIndex <= self size ] whileTrue: [
endIndex := self findDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: startIndex.
startIndex < endIndex
ifTrue: [ answer add: (self copyFrom: startIndex to: endIndex - 1) ].
startIndex := self skipDelimiters: delimiters startingAt: endIndex ].
^ answer asArray

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