Is there a way force allSubclasses to implement the method?
No. Pretty much, you need to avoid subclassing concrete classes.
i.e. if A has subclasses B and C, refactor to create an abstract A' and move
A to be a leaf subclass of A'.
-----Original Message-----
From: Jimmie Houchin [mailto:
[hidden email]]
Sent: December 22, 2020 15:08
To: Any question about pharo is welcome
Subject: [Pharo-users] subclassResponsibility
I have created a class which will have many subclasses some of which will
have subclasses of their own.
I want every single class to implement a class method #shortName which will
provide a short string as a human readable short identifier to the object.
I have in the highest superClass
self subclassResponsibility
But the moment I implement it in a subclass which has subclasses. Those
subclasses are now using their closest superClasses implementation.
Is there a way force allSubclasses to implement the method?