subpackages in P7

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subpackages in P7


Right now I have three seperate packages.


Is it possible in P7 to have something like this

---   Tests
----  Actions

and if so, how to I make it work,

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Re: subpackages in P7

Yes, you can :)
(But I would recommend it doing it with tests)

Usually, what you do is to create your package “Project” and then inside that package you can add the tags “test” and “Actions”,

But now you already have three packages, and you want to move, for example “Project-Actions” into “Project”. To do this you need to select “Project-Action” and with right click select the option “extras” in your context menu. From there, you need to select “demote to package with tag”. This will move all Project-Action package into “Project” package, “Action” tag.


> On 27 Nov 2018, at 09:33, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hello,
> Right now I have three seperate packages.
> Project
> Project-test
> Project-Actions
> Is it possible in P7 to have something like this
> Project
> ---   Tests
> ----  Actions
> and if so, how to I make it work,

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Re: subpackages in P7


So better is leave it this way. So three seperate packages as I
understand you well.


Op 27-11-2018 om 10:47 schreef Esteban Lorenzano:

> Yes, you can :)
> (But I would recommend it doing it with tests)
> Usually, what you do is to create your package “Project” and then inside that package you can add the tags “test” and “Actions”,
> But now you already have three packages, and you want to move, for example “Project-Actions” into “Project”. To do this you need to select “Project-Action” and with right click select the option “extras” in your context menu. From there, you need to select “demote to package with tag”. This will move all Project-Action package into “Project” package, “Action” tag.
> Cheers,
> Esteban
>> On 27 Nov 2018, at 09:33, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hello,
>> Right now I have three seperate packages.
>> Project
>> Project-test
>> Project-Actions
>> Is it possible in P7 to have something like this
>> Project
>> ---   Tests
>> ----  Actions
>> and if so, how to I make it work,

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Re: subpackages in P7


> On 27 Nov 2018, at 15:03, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks,
> So better is leave it this way. So three seperate packages as I understand you well.

I just said I would keep “tests” separated. The rest I do not have any opinion :)


> Roelof
> Op 27-11-2018 om 10:47 schreef Esteban Lorenzano:
>> Yes, you can :)
>> (But I would recommend it doing it with tests)
>> Usually, what you do is to create your package “Project” and then inside that package you can add the tags “test” and “Actions”,
>> But now you already have three packages, and you want to move, for example “Project-Actions” into “Project”. To do this you need to select “Project-Action” and with right click select the option “extras” in your context menu. From there, you need to select “demote to package with tag”. This will move all Project-Action package into “Project” package, “Action” tag.
>> Cheers,
>> Esteban
>>> On 27 Nov 2018, at 09:33, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Right now I have three seperate packages.
>>> Project
>>> Project-test
>>> Project-Actions
>>> Is it possible in P7 to have something like this
>>> Project
>>> ---   Tests
>>> ----  Actions
>>> and if so, how to I make it work,

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Re: subpackages in P7

Peter Uhnak
The main benefit of using separate packages instead of tags is that you can choose what to load.

That's why MyPackage-Test is best kept separate, because when other project is loading your project, they don't need to load such package (which can speed up dependency loading and makes for smaller images).

As changing it in either direction is usually simple, don't worry about not using the "right" style.


On Tue, Nov 27, 2018 at 3:36 PM Esteban Lorenzano <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 27 Nov 2018, at 15:03, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Thanks,
> So better is leave it this way. So three seperate packages as I understand you well.

I just said I would keep “tests” separated. The rest I do not have any opinion :)


> Roelof
> Op 27-11-2018 om 10:47 schreef Esteban Lorenzano:
>> Yes, you can :)
>> (But I would recommend it doing it with tests)
>> Usually, what you do is to create your package “Project” and then inside that package you can add the tags “test” and “Actions”,
>> But now you already have three packages, and you want to move, for example “Project-Actions” into “Project”. To do this you need to select “Project-Action” and with right click select the option “extras” in your context menu. From there, you need to select “demote to package with tag”. This will move all Project-Action package into “Project” package, “Action” tag.
>> Cheers,
>> Esteban
>>> On 27 Nov 2018, at 09:33, Roelof Wobben <[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> Right now I have three seperate packages.
>>> Project
>>> Project-test
>>> Project-Actions
>>> Is it possible in P7 to have something like this
>>> Project
>>> ---   Tests
>>> ----  Actions
>>> and if so, how to I make it work,

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Re: subpackages in P7

Sean P. DeNigris
Peter Uhnak wrote
> That's why MyPackage-Test is best kept separate, because when other
> project
> is loading your project, they don't need to load such package

Just to give another angle, while everything said in this thread is true, I
typically start with a monolithic package + sub tags and only split the
package if forced to. I view premature splitting as similar to premature
optimization. There is a cost of increased complication with dependencies
and related management.

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