subscribe on system change

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subscribe on system change

Miguel Campusano
I want to do some logic when there is a change on the system, like when a new class is loaded or when a method change. I don't want to put this logic explicit on the methods of the system who do that. I would like to know if i could subscribe to those special events (method change, new method, changes on a class and so on) so I can do what I want outside those methods.
I heard about the Announcements but I don't know if Announcements could help with this problem.

Can anyone give me some highlights to do those things?

(I'm really trying with my english, hope it's understandable) 

Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación
Universidad de Chile

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Re: subscribe on system change

Daniel Galdames
That depends on what version of Pharo you use.
In Pharo 1.4 you can use SystemChangeNotifier to do something like this:

SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance
notify: toSomeObject
ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class
change: #Added
using: #someMethod:.

then if a new class is added to the system, SystemChangeNotifier will call #someMethod: on toSomeObject, passing an Event to #someMethod:. You can browse the code on SystemChangeNotifier to see all the notification you can use, and the package "System-Change Notification" to see the events you can receive.

In Pharo 2.0 you can do the same thing using SystemAnnouncer:

SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance
on: ClassAdded
send: #someMethod:
to: toSomeObject.

You can see the different announcements you can use on browsing the package "System-announcements". In this example #someMethod: will receive an announcement.
Daniel Galdames

El domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012 a las 20:14, Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya escribió:

I want to do some logic when there is a change on the system, like when a new class is loaded or when a method change. I don't want to put this logic explicit on the methods of the system who do that. I would like to know if i could subscribe to those special events (method change, new method, changes on a class and so on) so I can do what I want outside those methods.
I heard about the Announcements but I don't know if Announcements could help with this problem.

Can anyone give me some highlights to do those things?

(I'm really trying with my english, hope it's understandable) 

Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya
Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación
Universidad de Chile

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Re: subscribe on system change

Miguel Campusano
Thanks Daniel! and by the way, I'm using Pharo 2.0
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Re: subscribe on system change

Goubier Thierry
In reply to this post by Daniel Galdames
Le 15/10/2012 08:10, Daniel Galdames a écrit :

> That depends on what version of Pharo you use.
> In Pharo 1.4 you can use SystemChangeNotifier to do something like this:
> SystemChangeNotifier uniqueInstance
> notify: toSomeObject
> ofSystemChangesOfItem: #class
> change: #Added
> using: #someMethod:.
> then if a new class is added to the system, SystemChangeNotifier will
> call #someMethod: on toSomeObject, passing an Event to #someMethod:. You
> can browse the code on SystemChangeNotifier to see all the notification
> you can use, and the package "System-Change Notification" to see the
> events you can receive.
> In Pharo 2.0 you can do the same thing using SystemAnnouncer:
> SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance
> on: ClassAdded
> send: #someMethod:
> to: toSomeObject.
> You can see the different announcements you can use on browsing the
> package "System-announcements". In this example #someMethod: will
> receive an announcement.

In Pharo 2.0, it could be interesting to use the weak variant of the

SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance weak
  on: ClassAdded
  send: #someMethod:
  to: toSomeObject.

To create a weak link to it.

A convenient method when you develop those things is:

        SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance unsubscribe: toSomeObject.

Because you usually spend time refactoring the #someMethod: above, and
it helps knowing how to remove existing triggers.

And a nice tool is to look at the announcements as they are produced, with

        SystemAnnouncer uniqueInstance open

These are the tools I found usefull when tracing the system notifications.

What I missed? A browser able to show who is subscribing to what.


> --
> Daniel Galdames
> El domingo, 14 de octubre de 2012 a las 20:14, Miguel Enrique Campusano
> Araya escribió:
>> I want to do some logic when there is a change on the system, like
>> when a new class is loaded or when a method change. I don't want to
>> put this logic explicit on the methods of the system who do that. I
>> would like to know if i could subscribe to those special events
>> (method change, new method, changes on a class and so on) so I can do
>> what I want outside those methods.
>> I heard about the Announcements but I don't know if Announcements
>> could help with this problem.
>> Can anyone give me some highlights to do those things?
>> Thanks!
>> (I'm really trying with my english, hope it's understandable)
>> --
>> Miguel Enrique Campusano Araya
>> Estudiante de Ingeniería Civil en Computación
>> Universidad de Chile

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