superclass iv rename

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superclass iv rename

Steve Waring-2

In either the CHB or System browser, doing an instance variable rename
refactoring, of a superclass instance variable, does not show up until the
class selection is changed. Other open tools are also not updating to
reflect the change.

In the System browser, I found myself double clicking on a class in the
Classes list wanting to open a CHB. Could this be added?

In a methods list menu, "Reformat" is enabled whether there is a selection
or not. Choosing it when there is no selection brings up a walkback.

Steve Waring

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Re: superclass iv rename

Blair McGlashan

You wrote in message news:[hidden email]...
> Hi,
> In either the CHB or System browser, doing an instance variable rename
> refactoring, of a superclass instance variable, does not show up until the
> class selection is changed. Other open tools are also not updating to
> reflect the change.

I suspect that is because the refactoring is going via the back door. Defect

> In the System browser, I found myself double clicking on a class in the
> Classes list wanting to open a CHB. Could this be added?

Yes, #500

> In a methods list menu, "Reformat" is enabled whether there is a selection
> or not. Choosing it when there is no selection brings up a walkback.


