tODE System Status

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tODE System Status


Dale, I will continue here, the 140 chars limit is hard to maintain a
conversation :)

Dale Henrichs @dhenrichs replied to you:
garduino garduino
@dhenrichs Sorry if I not understood, do you means link the status
button with some indicators of the systemreporter? #tODE #smalltalk
dhenrichs Dale Henrichs
@garduino yes ... instead of separate tab, system status should link
to the system reporter and button color should reflect key system

All this started because I felt the need of have the info of the level
of the vm in use (apart of the image that is in the About dialog).

Then Stef mentioned the SystemReporter from Alexander Lazarevic, I saw
it a bit and look interesting to implement in Pharo.

As I think more in terms of web than in desktop and because I'm not
very good with Morphic I had the idea of implement it in tODE (That
I'm trying to use in all the scenarios I can).

The SystemReporter resumed (as I implemented in tODE) show only image
and vm levels and path and not much more. How do you think in link
this info with a status (green-red-yellow)? Do you means because the
level of the image/vm used? Or any other idea?

Furthermore, doing click in the status button, should show a popup
with the current systemreporter tab content?

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Re: tODE System Status

Dale Henrichs

I guess I was referring to system status in general ... I don't run Pharo images in production, but presumably things like image size or gc rates or some other measures would be used to determine if the system is under stress (leading to yellow or read levels) ... For GemStone the number of errors reported is used to measure status at the moment ...

My thought was that a click on the status button would take you the system status page ... things like system status are important and there should be a way to get directly to the system status page ... at a glance (and refresh:) I can know what the system status is and with a click I can visit the page where I get more information than green, yello, red ...

I assume that these things evolve over time and I think that for specific applications, the system status calculation and the target pane would be customized just like I expect the home page to be customized ...


----- Original Message -----
| From: "Germán Arduino" <[hidden email]>
| To: "tode st" <[hidden email]>
| Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 11:18:45 AM
| Subject: tODE System Status
| Hi:
| Dale, I will continue here, the 140 chars limit is hard to maintain a
| conversation :)
| Dale Henrichs @dhenrichs replied to you:
| garduino garduino
| @dhenrichs Sorry if I not understood, do you means link the status
| button with some indicators of the systemreporter? #tODE #smalltalk
| dhenrichs Dale Henrichs
| @garduino yes ... instead of separate tab, system status should link
| to the system reporter and button color should reflect key system
| stats
| All this started because I felt the need of have the info of the
| level
| of the vm in use (apart of the image that is in the About dialog).
| Then Stef mentioned the SystemReporter from Alexander Lazarevic, I
| saw
| it a bit and look interesting to implement in Pharo.
| As I think more in terms of web than in desktop and because I'm not
| very good with Morphic I had the idea of implement it in tODE (That
| I'm trying to use in all the scenarios I can).
| The SystemReporter resumed (as I implemented in tODE) show only image
| and vm levels and path and not much more. How do you think in link
| this info with a status (green-red-yellow)? Do you means because the
| level of the image/vm used? Or any other idea?
| Furthermore, doing click in the status button, should show a popup
| with the current systemreporter tab content?
| Germán.
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Re: tODE System Status

I understand better now Dale.

I would try to play a bit with these ideas when time permits.....May
be I can develop something generic and customizable to different

And don't worry, will try to not destroy tODE :)


2011/9/2 Dale Henrichs <[hidden email]>:

> Germán,
> I guess I was referring to system status in general ... I don't run Pharo images in production, but presumably things like image size or gc rates or some other measures would be used to determine if the system is under stress (leading to yellow or read levels) ... For GemStone the number of errors reported is used to measure status at the moment ...
> My thought was that a click on the status button would take you the system status page ... things like system status are important and there should be a way to get directly to the system status page ... at a glance (and refresh:) I can know what the system status is and with a click I can visit the page where I get more information than green, yello, red ...
> I assume that these things evolve over time and I think that for specific applications, the system status calculation and the target pane would be customized just like I expect the home page to be customized ...
> Dale
> ----- Original Message -----
> | From: "Germán Arduino" <[hidden email]>
> | To: "tode st" <[hidden email]>
> | Sent: Friday, September 2, 2011 11:18:45 AM
> | Subject: tODE System Status
> |
> | Hi:
> |
> | Dale, I will continue here, the 140 chars limit is hard to maintain a
> | conversation :)
> |
> |
> | Dale Henrichs @dhenrichs replied to you:
> |
> | garduino garduino
> | @dhenrichs Sorry if I not understood, do you means link the status
> | button with some indicators of the systemreporter? #tODE #smalltalk
> |
> | dhenrichs Dale Henrichs
> | @garduino yes ... instead of separate tab, system status should link
> | to the system reporter and button color should reflect key system
> | stats
> |
> |
> | All this started because I felt the need of have the info of the
> | level
> | of the vm in use (apart of the image that is in the About dialog).
> |
> | Then Stef mentioned the SystemReporter from Alexander Lazarevic, I
> | saw
> | it a bit and look interesting to implement in Pharo.
> |
> | As I think more in terms of web than in desktop and because I'm not
> | very good with Morphic I had the idea of implement it in tODE (That
> | I'm trying to use in all the scenarios I can).
> |
> | The SystemReporter resumed (as I implemented in tODE) show only image
> | and vm levels and path and not much more. How do you think in link
> | this info with a status (green-red-yellow)? Do you means because the
> | level of the image/vm used? Or any other idea?
> |
> | Furthermore, doing click in the status button, should show a popup
> | with the current systemreporter tab content?
> |
> | Germán.
> |