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Re: What about #ifNotNil and #ifNotNilDo:

Posted by keith1y on Feb 22, 2009; 6:04pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/What-about-ifNotNil-and-ifNotNilDo-tp1309537p1309539.html

Marcus Denker wrote:

> On 21.02.2009, at 18:31, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a way to get the #ifNotNilDo: behavior to write compatible
>> Squeak and Pharo code?
> -> do not use ifNotNilDo:
> -> use ifNotNil: without the argument.
> The real fix of course would be for Squeak adopting the optinal args  
> changeset
> (this is from 2007...)
> Marcus
ok, we shall add that to LPF, where is it?

You see the purpose of LPF is to be able to make these changes in such a
way as to liberate pioneers such as yourselves to move forward.

We can offer this fix to the majority of squeak users, and this
preserves the backward compatability, in a forward thinking way.

What would help though is if you told us what you are changing/breaking
so that we can do something about it. The Author class is  another
incompatibility issue that I expect to have to address via LPF. Are
there any more?



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