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Re: What about #ifNotNil and #ifNotNilDo:

Posted by Lukas Renggli on Feb 22, 2009; 9:33am
URL: https://forum.world.st/What-about-ifNotNil-and-ifNotNilDo-tp1309537p1309546.html

Yeah, simply don't use #ifNotNilDo: and friends.

If you follow the coding conventions of Seaside your code will
basically run anywhere <http://www.seaside.st/community/conventions>.
Slime also contains rules to automatically refactor non-portable code,
for example:

        ^ self
                rewrite: #(
                        " kill abnormalities "
                        ('``@boolean ifNotNilDo: ``@block'
                         '``@boolean ifNotNil: ``@block')
                        ('``@boolean ifNotNilDo: ``@block1 ifNil: ``@block2'
                         '``@boolean ifNotNil: ``@block1 ifNil: ``@block2')
                        ('``@boolean ifNil: ``@block1 ifNotNilDo: ``@block2'
                         '``@boolean ifNil: ``@block1 ifNotNil: ``@block2')
                        " normalize arguments "
                        ('``@boolean ifNotNil: [ | `@temps | ``@body ]'
                         '``@boolean ifNotNil: [ :arg | | `@temps | ``@body ]')
                        ('``@boolean ifNotNil: [ | `@temps | ``@body ] ifNil: ``@block '
                         '``@boolean ifNotNil: [ :arg | | `@temps | ``@body ] ifNil: ``@block')
                        ('``@boolean ifNil: ``@block ifNotNil: [ | `@temps | ``@body ]'
                         '``@boolean ifNil: ``@block ifNotNil: [ :arg | | `@temps | ``@body ]'))
                methods: false
                name: 'ANSI Compatibility: Conditionals'


On Sun, Feb 22, 2009 at 10:22 AM, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:

> On 21.02.2009, at 18:31, Damien Cassou wrote:
>> Hi,
>> is there a way to get the #ifNotNilDo: behavior to write compatible
>> Squeak and Pharo code?
> -> do not use ifNotNilDo:
> -> use ifNotNil: without the argument.
> The real fix of course would be for Squeak adopting the optinal args
> changeset
> (this is from 2007...)
>        Marcus
> --
> Marcus Denker  --  [hidden email]
> http://www.marcusdenker.de
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Lukas Renggli

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