Re: Fonts in Linux
Posted by
Alan Knight-3 on
Feb 15, 2010; 3:31pm
Thanks. That's a good point. I think there are some
improvements in 7.7 that help with this, but it's still something that
could use a good deal of improvement.
At 03:49 AM 2010-02-15, Jan Weerts wrote:
Hi Alan!
Alan Knight wrote:
We would like to do an update of
the X11 fonts (and of various
other things about the font system in general) but we do not at
this point having a schedule we're willing to commit to.
I'm curious exactly what you're looking for in fonts.
The question was not directed to me, but I also have one or two wishes
concerning fonts. Here the most frustrating aspect of VW font handling on
Linux: for me is its tendency to totally refuse to start up on certain X
window managers. I do not say, that these are always configured
correctly, but I have never seen a pickier primadonna application that
does not even start up, when its favorite fonts are somehow broken. One
could argue, that the environment needs to be correct to function
correctly, but I wonder, why other applications are not so picky and why
VW is not even capable of logging its problem in a way, that indicates to
a user of the app (usually not the administrator of the machine), what
the problem is.
These kinds of problems date back (at least for us) to 2003, the last
incarnation about a week ago with a 7.6 app and an Exceed X server. One
culprit seemed to be ArborTextAttributes>>updateLineGridding and
the bowels thereof. After capturing errors here, something else blew up
and we changed the X server, because we ran out of time for further
diagnosis and patching.
I consider this basics. Since I am not a regular VW-on-Linux user the
pixeled fonts do not annoy me often enough, so this point does not make
it to the same priority as startup problems. But as an indicator: in this
shop all the regular (as in every day) developers on VW use Windows,
while irregular VW developers use 40% Windows and 60% Linux.
Alan Knight [|], Engineering Manager, Cincom Smalltalk
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