However, I could not make it load any of my case studies. I get syntax
error. Could you provide an example that works?
> On 16 févr. 2010, at 11:06, Laval Jannik wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> With Cyrille we work on a Famix2MseImporter in Pharo Famix3.
>> It is a hack, in two parts:
>> First, we place a script between the parser and the MooseElement
>> creation. So this script switches elements of Famix2 to Famix3. For
>> example, a FAMIX.InheritanceDefinition in the Famix2Mse become a
>> FamixInheritance in Famix3.
>> The other part of the script appears after the mooseModel creation.
>> In Famix3, there are FamixAccess and FamixReference. But in Famix2,
>> there is only FamixAccess.
>> FamixReference is for a target with type FamixClass. But, when the
>> parser works, it is not easily possible to know the type of an
>> attribute. So, to do it easy, when the MooseModel is created, we
>> check all accesses and test if the target is a FamixClass. If true,
>> the script change the link in a FamixReference.
>> Now, we have three elements with no possible switch:
>> - there is no FAMIXGlobalVariable>>declaredType in Famix2.
>> - in Famix3, FAMIXInvocation>>receivingVariable has disappeared.
> I think this is replaced by FAMIXInvocation>>receiver
>> - in Famix3, FAMIXParameter>>position has disappeared.
>> The meta-informations in Famix2Mse are not taken account.
>> Finally, this script is a hack, the aim is to provide a solution
>> for people who want to come to Pharo-Moose.
>> You can load it with:
>> Gofer new
>> squeaksource: 'Famix2Importer';
>> package: 'Famix2Importer';
>> load.
>> A menu item is available in MoosePanel menu.
>> You can try it and mail us if you have some bugs.
>> Cheers,
>> Jannik and Cyrille.
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