I must disagree with this assumption and suggest a reconsideration this assessment. While it is true that running from the local X server would be an absolutely minimum requirement, be aware that such may not be possible. In our environment, I do not have access to the host X Server – I must do all my work remotely through Hummingbird Exceed as the machines involved generally have no console and the few that do are all physical-access restricted. We are currently migrating some of our capabilities from Solaris to Linux (a RedHat version, I believe), making this an important issue of potential critical concern.
I imagine this is one of those cases where the solution should be “do the right thing,” though I’m not sure that it’s possible yet to completely quantify what “right” means here.
Tom Hawker |
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[hidden email] [mailto:[hidden email]] On Behalf Of Kooyman, Les
Sent: Tuesday, February 16, 2010
1:28 PM
To: Jan Weerts
Cc: VWNC List; Knight, Alan
Subject: Re: [vwnc] Fonts in Linux
Hmm. OK, This is an interesting wrinkle, but I'm sure it has occurred to you that this use case is not the same thing as when the image fails to start natively on the local machine's X server. I suspect that's the environment that we support. It's probably not far off the mark to say that in such a case it's the user's responsibility to make sure that the font environment is suitable.
That said, it probably would be nice if we could give you some guidance as to what needs to be available to allow the image to come up under a particular X Server environment so that the customer would have a chance to structure that environment to be usable.
Since we're revising documentation for 7.8, it would be a "good thing" if guidance of this sort could be added, and I will see about that.
I'll think some more about the issues induced by remote X Server support in general, but I'm not sure you'll see that sort of thing supported at the same level as running on the native X Server of the platform.
Les Kooyman
From: Jan
Weerts [mailto:[hidden email]]
Sent: Tue 2/16/2010 5:28 AM
To: Kooyman, Les
Cc: Knight, Alan; VWNC List
Subject: Re: [vwnc] Fonts in Linux
Hi Les!
Kooyman, Les wrote:
> Are there still examples of VW 7.7 not starting at all on certain
> LINUX distributions (with their standard installed fonts)?
I cannot give you an example of a Linux distribution and 7.7, but I
consider similar valid an X server and in this case vw7.6. In my
previous post I mentioned Exceed, which was wrong, instead it was
Xming version (running on Windows XP). Please note, that
after installing the package "Xming-fonts" the VW app
The "remote X server" scenario is quite common for us. In this case
about 2GB of data had to be converted on the remote machine and we
wanted to avoid the download/upload cycle. Since the server machine
was Linux and the local users machine was Windows, the X Server was
the choice of the day.
A side note on remoting: we sometimes debug an image on a remote
Windows machines using the RDP tools provided with Windows. A nasty
uncommon but not rare problem is, that inspecting a variable from a
debugger window raises the inspector, which covers the debugger. This
creates a damage event which somehow breaks to be processed, which
raises a debugger above the first debugger, which creates a damage
event, ... which leads to a broken image in the end.
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