Posted by
Simon Denier-3 on
May 05, 2010; 9:30am
On 5 mai 2010, at 10:22, Tudor Girba wrote:
> Hi,
> MondrianPaintings holds Mondrian views which are typically 2-3 methods each. Distribution Map, with all the Wizard and other computations is more than that, so I think it deserves a package on its own :)
I think like that for MondrianScripts, which are often class extensions, but not for MondrianPaintings which often holds multiple classes for the same application. Then CycleTable, LayerTable, and PackageBlueprints have comparable size to DistributionMap. But I like the fact that they all appear together in the browser.
> Actually, I do not like categories :). I prefer to have packages for everything.
Well packages are for distribution, categories for internal organization (so I don't mind them if this is built this way). It makes sense to have multiple packages when:
- you end up with too many merges due to co-evolution of unrelated things within a single package (I don't feel we don't have this problem right now with Moose-MondrianPaintings)
- you have independent applications mixed with Moose-dependent applications: we could put DistributionMap, CycleTable, LayerTable in MondrianPaintings (so the one from Mondrian, not Moose-...) since they do not depend on Famix at all. But then we have to take care of new dependencies for Mondrian (like Merlin)
Does it sound right?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 4 May 2010, at 16:38, Simon Denier wrote:
>> On 4 mai 2010, at 10:36, Tudor Girba wrote:
>>> Hi Cyrille,
>>> I have a bit of feedback for Distribution Map:
>>> - The computation from Distribution Map Wizard is too expensive because you iterate over the meta elements and for each of them you go over all elements of Moose through the method includesElementsOfType:
>>> It would be better if you would go over all cached groups and decide based on that rather than traversing the entire entities collection (which can be millions of objects).
>>> - It would be better if Distribution Map gets its own package because it starts to be large
>> What does large mean in this context? I mean, I don't understand the benefit of creating a single package for DistributionMap while all others are under MondrianPaintings (within their own categories)
>> --
>> Simon
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