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Re: Fwd: FSE notation now integrated to the AtlanMod Zoo

Posted by Stéphane Ducasse on May 13, 2010; 9:21pm
URL: https://forum.world.st/Fwd-FSE-notation-now-integrated-to-the-AtlanMod-Zoo-tp2196202p2215789.html

this is cool to see all these meta models in MSE format :)
I can even read them and this is cool to see a compact format.


On May 13, 2010, at 9:38 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hello,
> Thanks for the effort and thanks for letting us know. This is indeed great news!
> The information was added to the Moose page:
> http://www.moosetechnology.org/news/atlantic-fm3
> Cheers,
> Tudor
> On 12 May 2010, at 17:09, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: Jean Bezivin <[hidden email]>
>>> Date: May 12, 2010 4:52:34 PM GMT+02:00
>>> To: Alexandre Bergel <[hidden email]>, Stéphane Ducasse <[hidden email]>, Oscar Nierstrasz <[hidden email]>
>>> Cc: Jordi Cabot <[hidden email]>, Frédéric Jouault <[hidden email]>, guillaume doux <[hidden email]>, Hugo Brunelière <[hidden email]>
>>> Subject: FSE notation now integrated to the AtlanMod Zoo
>>> Dear all,
>>> I am happy to report that FSE is now integrated to the AtlanMod Zoo.
>>> Following one of the meeting we had last week with Alex in Santiago,
>>> the idea of adding the FSE format to the AtlanMod was considered.
>>> MSE is the generic file format used for import-export in Moose.
>>> We started from the  link provided by Alex:
>>> http://www.moosetechnology.org/docs/mse
>>> AtlanMod is an INRIA/EMN joint research team.
>>> http://www.emn.fr/z-info/atlanmod/
>>> In the past years AtlanMod has produced experimental software material
>>> in addition to a number of tools on Eclipse  (ATL, TCS, KM3, AMW, AM3,
>>> MoDisco, etc.).
>>> One of this contribution to the community is a set of more than 300
>>> metamodels of various quality
>>> that can be found in the AtlanMod zoo:
>>> http://www.emn.fr/z-info/atlanmod/index.php/Zoos
>>> Each of these 300 metamodels is made available in more than 20
>>> different formats
>>> like ECORE, KM3, OWL, EMfatic, GraphML, etc.
>>> This matrix is considered as open source material at the disposal of
>>> the software engineering community
>>> for various reproducible experiments. One typical experiment is to
>>> evaluate the quality of these entities
>>> by automatic measurement.
>>> Contribution of the community is sollicited to add new rows or columns
>>> to this matrix.
>>> Adding a row means contribution a new metamodel in KM3 or ECORE.
>>> Adding a column means contributing a transformation that will produce
>>> automatically the set of metamodels in a different notation.
>>> Following a meeting with Alexandre Bergel, we considered the
>>> possibility of adding the FSE format to the AtlanMod zoo.
>>> This week Guillaume Doux did the TCS/ATL work and was able to
>>> produce the new format. If you go to:
>>> http://www.emn.fr/z-info/atlanmod/index.php/AtlanticFM3
>>> you'll find all the metamodels expressed in MSE, conforming to FM3.
>>> Click on the "source file" tag to access the corresponding files.
>>> If you wish another example, you may test the automatically generated
>>> visualization of some metamodels, for example for Java 5:
>>> https://gforge.inria.fr/scm/viewvc.php/*checkout*/AtlantyUML/J2SE5.yuml.png?root=atlantic-zoos3
>>> Thanks Guillaume for the rapid implementation in TCS/ATL
>>> http://wiki.eclipse.org/TCS
>>> http://www.eclipse.org/m2m/atl/
>>> Have fun,
>>> Jean
>>> 2010/5/12 guillaume doux <[hidden email]>:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Here is the new Zoo in FM3:
>>>> http://www.emn.fr/z-info/atlanmod/index.php/AtlanticFM3
>>>> B.R.
>>>> Guillaume
>>>> --
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>>> Guillaume Doux - R&D Engineer
>>>> AtlanMod research team (INRIA & EMN) - Room B206
>>>> École des Mines de Nantes
>>>> 4, rue Alfred Kastler
>>>> 44307 Nantes Cedex 3 - France
>>>> EMail: [hidden email]
>>>> --------------------------------------------------------
>>> --
>>> __________________________________
>>> Jean Bézivin - AtlanMod research team (INRIA & EMN) -  Room 229
>>> École des Mines de Nantes - 4 rue Alfred Kastler - F-44307 Nantes
>>> Cedex 3 - France
>>> -------------
>>> - e.mail: [hidden email]  - alt. e.mail: [hidden email]
>>> - Skype: jbezivin    - Twitter: @JBezivin - FriendFeed: @JBezivin
>>> - teleph: +33 251 858 704
>>> - mobile: +33 614 322 236
>>> ----
>>> http://www.emn.fr/x-info/bezivin
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> --
> www.tudorgirba.com
> "Problem solving should be concentrated on describing
> the problem in a way that is relevant for the solution."
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