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Re: Glamour dependency

Posted by Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez on May 19, 2010; 8:49am
URL: https://forum.world.st/Glamour-dependency-tp2020354p2222490.html

Hi Doru,

I have some conflicts with a prerequisite of Glamour (Morphic-MorphTreeWidget of Momo10) in a pharo1.1 core image which already includes a newer version (there are many differences specially renamings)
That does not affect Torch at all, but it is breaking other browser :S.. I know, the configuration is intended of a dev image...

So, I am doing some experiments without that prerequisite... The newer version works pretty fine, with only one exception (a renamed method) in one of those classes that Glamour is using, of course i can include it as one of my extensions.
Could I include a configuration in Glamour intended for a core image?


On 22 Apr 2010, at 23:26, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Indeed, the Glamour Configuration is intended for the dev image. But, it would be great if someone would take the time to load it in a Core image :)
> Doru
> On 22 Apr 2010, at 12:58, Simon Denier wrote:
>> On 22 avr. 2010, at 12:34, Veronica Isabel Uquillas Gomez wrote:
>>> Hi Tudor,
>>> I was loading Glamour in a new core image (1.1) and I got this message:
>>> ----------------
>>> This package depends on the following classes:
>>> PluggableShoutMorph
>>> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load these definitions:
>>> GLMPluggableShoutMorph
>>> GLMPluggableShoutMorph>>announcer
>>> GLMPluggableShoutMorph>>selectFrom:to:
>>> -----------------
>>> The shout package is missing in the configuration of glamour.
>> Hi Veronica
>> Probably you will run into further problems, because configurations are not made for Core images :)
>> After the 4.0 release, we will make 4.1 working with Pharo 1.1 (the dev, not the core)
>> Try to load ConfigurationOfShout from Metacello Repository meanwhile.
>>> regards,
>>> Veronica
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