Re: onAnswerCommand and structure change
Posted by
Nick on
Oct 22, 2010; 5:01pm
Hi Norbert,
I think I might have solved a similar problem in a different way. I created a "clean" environment specifically for non-view commands.
Then I derived from PRPierFrame and implemented:
^ self context command useEditingEnvironment ifTrue: [
self kernel editingEnvironment
] ifFalse: [
self context structure environment
^ (self isView or: [self isQuick]) not
Other ways round would be to create your own PRContents widget or return a command with the structure you want to display, instead of returning nil
I only mention the above work-arounds as I don't have enough knowledge to say for certain that your changes wouldn't cause unintended side-effects..
Hope this helps
On 22 October 2010 12:57, Norbert Hartl
<[hidden email]> wrote:
I like to execute a command in a way that the structure is changed while the command is being executed. If the command is commited I like to advance the structure to another structure. If the command is aborted than I like to return to the structure from where the command has been invoked.
Basically I do something like this
html anchor
goto: (self context
structure: self structureWhileCommandIsExecuting
command: MyPierCommand new);
with: 'do it' ]
In MyPierCommand>>doExecute I do at the end
self answer: (self context structure: self structureAfterCommandHasBeingCommited )
This way I have chose a structure for command execution and the structure if the command is commited. But on abort it stays where it has been executed (structureWhileCommandIsExecuting). Looking at
PRContentsWidget>>onAnswerCommand: aCommand
aCommand isNil
ifTrue: [ ^ self context: (self context structure: self context structure) ].
[ aCommand execute ]
on: MAError
do: [ :err | ^ self component errors add: err ].
self context: aCommand answer
we see that if aCommand isNil (abort) the structure is nailed to the current one (while executing). Would it be ok to change that so it is answering every time? I simple change would be to change
buildComponent: aContext
^ aContext command asComponent
onAnswer: [ :value | self onAnswerCommand: value ];
buildComponent: aContext
^ aContext command asComponent
onAnswer: [ :value | value ifNotNil: [ self onAnswerCommand: value ] ifNil: [ aContext command doAnswer ] ];
this way
self answer ifNil: [ self answer: (self context structure: self structure) ]
would the same but some could overwrite the answer when creating the link
what do you think?
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