Posted by
Lukas Renggli on
Oct 25, 2010; 7:21am
I posted some changes that should be mostly backward compatible. The
changes give much more control over the flow of commands. It is
already used in the halo-view and the security-browser. Let me know
what you think.
Name: Pier-Model-lr.398
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:02 am
UUID: d92bbefb-5cfe-4323-8eff-8d39323b5aaf
Ancestors: Pier-Model-lr.397
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
Name: Pier-Seaside-lr.497
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:07 am
UUID: f04066ae-fabc-4a66-863b-0adaf5980374
Ancestors: Pier-Seaside-lr.496
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
Name: Pier-Security-lr.172
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:12 am
UUID: 57dc8ba1-cedb-49c9-92ac-5990b30be64e
Ancestors: Pier-Security-lr.171
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
Name: Pier-EditorEnh-lr.59
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:23 am
UUID: 1fe5b2a7-e6cb-4f48-ba76-da58e136e3f3
Ancestors: Pier-EditorEnh-lr.57
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
Name: Pier-Tests-Model-lr.16
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:15 am
UUID: 76a4502d-c534-445f-b4cc-49396a4fabc4
Ancestors: Pier-Tests-Model-lr.15
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
Name: Pier-Security-lr.172
Author: lr
Time: 25 October 2010, 9:19:12 am
UUID: 57dc8ba1-cedb-49c9-92ac-5990b30be64e
Ancestors: Pier-Security-lr.171
- replaced PRCommand>>#answer: with #successAnswer: and #cancelAnswer:
to give more control over the flow
On 25 October 2010 08:28, Lukas Renggli <
[hidden email]> wrote:
> Norbert,
> While what Nick proposes is a nice workaround, I think it would be
> useful to let the command decide on the cancel continuation. However
> the logic for that should go into the Model, not the View. Also we
> have to pay attention not to use #ifNil:ifNotNil: and friends, because
> that doesn't work across all supported platforms. Norbert, can you
> provide a change?
> Lukas
> On 22 October 2010 19:01, Nick Ager <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>> Hi Norbert,
>> I think I might have solved a similar problem in a different way. I created
>> a "clean" environment specifically for non-view commands.
>> Then I derived from PRPierFrame and implemented:
>> environment
>> ^ self context command useEditingEnvironment ifTrue: [
>> self kernel editingEnvironment
>> ] ifFalse: [
>> self context structure environment
>> ]
>> Then:
>> PRCommand>>useEditingEnvironment
>> ^ (self isView or: [self isQuick]) not
>> ---
>> Other ways round would be to create your own PRContents widget or return a
>> command with the structure you want to display, instead of returning nil
>> ---
>> I only mention the above work-arounds as I don't have enough knowledge to
>> say for certain that your changes wouldn't cause unintended side-effects..
>> Hope this helps
>> Nick
>> On 22 October 2010 12:57, Norbert Hartl <
[hidden email]> wrote:
>>> I like to execute a command in a way that the structure is changed while
>>> the command is being executed. If the command is commited I like to advance
>>> the structure to another structure. If the command is aborted than I like to
>>> return to the structure from where the command has been invoked.
>>> Basically I do something like this
>>> html anchor
>>> goto: (self context
>>> structure: self
>>> structureWhileCommandIsExecuting
>>> command: MyPierCommand new);
>>> with: 'do it' ]
>>> In MyPierCommand>>doExecute I do at the end
>>> self answer: (self context structure: self
>>> structureAfterCommandHasBeingCommited )
>>> This way I have chose a structure for command execution and the structure
>>> if the command is commited. But on abort it stays where it has been executed
>>> (structureWhileCommandIsExecuting). Looking at
>>> PRContentsWidget>>onAnswerCommand: aCommand
>>> aCommand isNil
>>> ifTrue: [ ^ self context: (self context structure: self
>>> context structure) ].
>>> [ aCommand execute ]
>>> on: MAError
>>> do: [ :err | ^ self component errors add: err ].
>>> self context: aCommand answer
>>> we see that if aCommand isNil (abort) the structure is nailed to the
>>> current one (while executing). Would it be ok to change that so it is
>>> answering every time? I simple change would be to change
>>> buildComponent: aContext
>>> ^ aContext command asComponent
>>> onAnswer: [ :value | self onAnswerCommand: value ];
>>> yourself
>>> to
>>> buildComponent: aContext
>>> ^ aContext command asComponent
>>> onAnswer: [ :value | value ifNotNil: [ self
>>> onAnswerCommand: value ] ifNil: [ aContext command doAnswer ] ];
>>> yourself
>>> this way
>>> PRCommand>>doAnswer
>>> self answer ifNil: [ self answer: (self context structure: self
>>> structure) ]
>>> would the same but some could overwrite the answer when creating the link
>>> what do you think?
>>> Norbert
>>> _______________________________________________
>>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>> _______________________________________________
>> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> --
> Lukas Renggli
Lukas Renggli
Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...